The Day After Pentecost

On this Monday between Pentecost and Trinity Sunday I sit on my small screened porch during early morning hours before routines or obligations must begin. No drama this morning.  Feather and furred creatures are making the transition from darkness to dawn.  Gentle breezes are tousling the heads of the trees. A single candle flame extends an invitation to dwell in the center of God's heart as it pulses in perfect rhythm. This is a thin place, where I am more aware of God's presence than anything else. 

Come Holy Spirit. 

Yesterday's scripture and hymnody were replete with powerful words of amazing potential for the community of God's Children, the Church. The readings told of rushing wind and tongues of fire that infused the community with the power of passionate spiritual communication.

Thoughts are entering.  Goodbye, thin place.  Now I begin to ask, "so, what does this mean?"  Thoughts about the effect of God's creative Spirit upon this day in 2011 draw me into hope for something extraordinary. 

What human conditions or expectations will be adjusted or softened today? If I attend to Christ's hand adjusting the chin of my attention, what will God have me see, think and do? How will I be ignited? Will the resulting energy be propelling, or creative, or fruitful? Or, as the fire intensifies, will God's alchemy purify my intentions, removing the dross of self interests? 

What might happen if that same rush of spiritual presence stoked embers of truth, mercy and justice that are nestled in our individual and collective hearts? 

When we speak words of authentic love, or truth or wisdom, the miracle of God's Word is in harmony with our breath.  The vibration of our voices resounds in ways that meet toe to toe the doubts, fears and confusion created by injustice and suffering of all sorts. 

We can't strategize or choreograph these moments. They are given to us. Our role is to show up each day, saying, Come, Holy Spirit! 

We present all that we are and seek to be open to God's Spirit.  Then, as we pray, we begin to obey the nudges (or jolts) stimulated by our alignment with Christ. Our voices join in with God's Song of wholeness. This is the song that gathers the whole world back together into One.

Come, Holy Spirit, Come!