A Prayer of Confession for Wednesdays of Lent

by Pamela C. Hawkins



On the palm of your hand you write my name, O God.

Through the pages of creation, my life unfolds.

In the chambers of your heart, I have a home, O God, where every cry is heard, every tear seen, every thanks whispered in the dark or morning is known to you.

And still, I am slow to thank, to ask, to trust.

O God, who is great and good, help me to pray.



This prayer is from Pamela C. Hawkins, The Awkward Season: Prayers for Lent (Nashville: Upper Room Books, 2009), 72. Used by permission of Upper Room Books.


Pamela C. Hawkins seves as managing editor of Weavings: A Journal of the Christian Spiritual Life. An ordained elder in The United Methodist Church, she previously served in local church and seminary settings in Tennessee and North Carolina.