Our Latest Program: Sunday July 28, 2024

Miracles Reconsidered

The Rev. Dr. Joanna Adams sermon, “Miracles Reconsidered,” is based on the two miracles of Jesus in John 6. “Sometimes our modern minds have a hard time believing in the miraculous as it comes to us from the ancient texts of Scripture, which were written, after all, by and for people who had no trouble believing in the miraculous. We likely lean more in the direction of incredulity. We cook up rational explanations to explain them away. Maybe there was a big stash of fish and bread hidden behind a tree or a bush, which Jesus used to feed all those people,” she says. “Do you believe in miracles?”


Coming Up: Next Week's Sermon

Wilderness Memory

The Rev. Dr. Kimberly Wagner draws her sermon “Wilderness Memory” from Exodus 16:1-4, 9-15. This passage tells of the Israelites in the wilderness where water is scarce and they are hungry. Questioning the whole exodus plan, they ask if their leaders have brought them into the wilderness to die. Their memory of Egypt is distorted by their panic. “And we, too, like the exodus Israelites, may find ourselves inclined to distorted memory—to remembering a golden age that never was or a gilded recollection that is not quite true. How many times have you, like me, found yourself referring back to the good old days?” she says. “And, friends, the danger of such gilded or distorted memory is not only that it is untruthful or makes us feel like we have fallen further than we have. Most significantly, such false memory shuts us out from being attentive to God’s work in the present and closes down the possibility of any imagination for the future.”


Day1 Articles

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Frederick Buechner Sermon Illustrations: Nathan

The Rev. Frederick Buechner
Presbyterian Church (USA)

In our blog post every Monday we select a reading from the Revised Common Lectionary for the upcoming Sunday, and pair it with a Frederick Buechner reading on the same topic. Next Sunday, we will celebrate The Tenth Sunday After Pentecost. Here is this week’s reading from the book of 2 Samuel...

Frederick Buechner Sermon Illustrations: Uriah the Hittite

The Rev. Frederick Buechner
Presbyterian Church (USA)

In our blog post every Monday we select a reading from the Revised Common Lectionary the upcoming Sunday, and pair it with a Frederick Buechner reading on the same topic. Next Sunday we will celebrate The Ninth Sunday After Pentecost.  Here is this week’s reading from the book of 2 Samuel...

Frederick Buechner Sermon Illustrations: Healing

The Rev. Frederick Buechner
Presbyterian Church (USA)

In our blog post every Monday we select a reading from the Revised Common Lectionary for the upcoming Sunday, and pair it with a Frederick Buechner reading on the same topic. Next Sunday we will celebrate The Eighth Sunday After Pentecost.  Here is this week’s reading from the gospel of Mark...

Pondering God’s Presence Inside and Outside

The Rev. Dr. Greg Cootsona
Presbyterian Church (USA)

We can find God’s presence on the outside and the inside, that is, in the quests that both Ferris and Augustine lay out. We probably tend toward one direction or the other. By practicing the spiritual discipline of contemplating reality through science and faith, we develop ways to seek God in both directions...

Frederick Buechner Sermon Illustrations: Herod Antipas

The Rev. Frederick Buechner
Presbyterian Church (USA)

In our blog post every Monday we select a reading from the Revised Common Lectionary for the upcoming Sunday, and pair it with a Frederick Buechner reading on the same topic. Next Sunday we will celebrate the Seventh Sunday After Pentecost.  Here is this week’s reading from the gospel of Mark...

Are You Drooping?

The Rev. Margaret Marcuson
American Baptist Churches USA

When I was a pastor, I was always drooping by June. I felt like I was hanging on by my fingernails. I was cranky. The people who seemed charmingly eccentric in September were getting on my last nerve. And I didn’t have to deal with a fiscal year starting July 1! I don’t know how people do it...

Day1 Video

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Day1 Video Feature

Peter Wallace Presents the Day1 Ministry and a Brief History of The Protestant Hour

The Rev. Peter M. Wallace
The Episcopal Church


Second-Ponce de Leon Baptist Church in Atlanta, home base of the Day1 ministry, invited producer and host Peter Wallace to share about the ministry. He also provides a brief history of great preaching on the Protestant Hour and Day1 with audio clips.

Day1 Video Feature

Day1 Event with the Most Rev. Michael Curry

The Most Rev. Michael Curry
The Episcopal Church

On March 21, 2023, at a Day1 Dinner Event in Atlanta, Episcopal Presiding Bishop Michael Curry offered an inspiring message of faith in today's world. Also participating in the evening's program were the Rev. Peter Wallace (host and producer of Day1), the Very Rev. Sam Candler (Dean of the Cathedral of St. Philip), the Rt. Rev. Robert C. Wright (Bishop of the Diocese of Atlanta), emcees Chris Chandler and Jared Yamamoto (of Day1's flagship station WSB 95.5), and others.

Day1 Video Feature

Day1 Zoom Webinar Celebrating the Life and Legacy of C. T. Vivian


Day1 presents a challenging and timely conversation on the life and legacy of the late Civil Rights leader and powerful preacher, Dr. C. T. Vivian. CNN's Don Lemon moderates a panel with Dr. Bernice King, Ambassador Andrew Young, son Al Vivan, and Steve Fiffer.

Day1 Video Feature

Day1 Zoom Salon with Susan Sparks

The Rev. Susan Sparks
American Baptist Churches USA

Day1 host Peter Wallace has a fun and inspirational conversation with the Rev. Susan Sparks, stand-up comedian, Baptist pastor, and author of several books including her latest, "Love, a Tiara, and a Cupcake"...

Day1 Video Feature

Day1 Salon: Next Gen Preachers Roundtable

The Rev. Christopher Henry
Presbyterian Church (USA)

The Rev. Robert W. Lee IV
Cooperative Baptist Fellowship

The Rev. Dr. Joshua Scott
Cooperative Baptist Fellowship

The Rev. Palmer Cantler
United Methodist Church

Victoria Lawson
Cooperative Baptist Fellowship

The Rev. Brandon Duke
The Episcopal Church

Six up-and-coming preachers and church leaders gather to share their authentic and inspiring thoughts about where we are now and where we're heading as the church in this new day. Watch our Day1 Zoom Salon here!

Day1 Video Feature

Day1 Book Launch Party Video

The Rev. Dr. Ozzie E. Smith, Jr.
United Church of Christ

The Rev. Dr. Joanna Adams
Presbyterian Church (USA)

The Rev. Dr. Charles Reeb
United Methodist Church

The Rev. Dr. Anna Carter Florence
Presbyterian Church (USA)

The Rev. Juan Carlos Huertas
United Methodist Church

The Rev. Peter M. Wallace
The Episcopal Church

The Rev. Dr. William E. Flippin, Jr.
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

The Rev. Dr. Micah T. J. Jackson
The Episcopal Church

Day1 presents a video Book Launch Party for the new book, "Bread Enough for All: A Day1 Guide to Life," published by Church Publishing, Inc. Join Day1 host Peter Wallace and seven outstanding preachers/church leaders who share their sermon excerpts from the book and engage in conversation and Q&A: Joanna M. Adams, Anna Carter Florence, William Flippin Jr., Juan Carlos Huertas, Micah Jackson, Charley Reeb, and Ozzie Smith Jr.

Day1 Audio

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Day1 Audio Feature

Bonus Day1 Sermon! The Rev. Jane Mitchell Weston: "What Will We Plant Together?" (Mark 4:26-34)

The Rev. Jane Mitchell Weston
The Episcopal Church

In a special sermon for the 3rd Sunday after Pentecost, the Rev. Jane Mitchell Weston says the two parables in Mark 4 give us imagery of the kingdom of God starting as something tiny, almost imperceptible, and growing in mysterious and magnificent ways. Yet the growth in the parable is God’s doing, not ours--which can liberate us from the feeling that we have to do it all, that we’re in charge of the success of the Kingdom of God.

Day1 Audio Feature

Day1 Worship On the Way Podcast - Pilot

The Rev. Dr. Eric Barreto
Cooperative Baptist Fellowship

Day1 Worship on the Way

Day1 is pleased to present a pilot for a potential new weekly podcast: Worship On the Way. Experience a half hour worship experience with hymns, songs, and prayers, along with a powerful sermon by an outstanding Day1 preacher.

Day1 Audio Feature

The Alban Conversation: Preaching Easter Online - Audio Version

The Rev. Peter M. Wallace
The Episcopal Church

The Rev. Nathan E. Kirkpatrick
The Episcopal Church

Here's the audio version of The Alban Conversation with Nathan Kirkpatrick, Day1's Peter Wallace, and Duke's Christine Parton Burkett on preaching Easter online--and anytime.

Day1 Audio Feature

The Rev. Dr. John Vannorsdall: "Come and Have Breakfast" - A Protestant Hour Easter Message


The Rev. Dr. John Vannorsdall, Lutheran pastor and chaplain at Yale University and Gettysburg Seminary, was the Protestant Hour's regular Lutheran preacher from 1976 until 1990. He passed away earlier this week. We remember him and his astounding impact on the church with a presentation of his Easter sermon originally airing April 6, 1980. May he rest in peace.

Day1 Audio Feature

Special Day1 Podcast with Peter Wallace - Love in the Time of Coronavirus

The Rev. Peter M. Wallace
The Episcopal Church

Get a sneak preview of a special Day1 program that will air on the radio on June 14, with the Rev. Peter Wallace offering a sermon entitled, "Love in the Time of Coronavirus." And gain ideas for how to share God's love in difficult times.

Day1 Audio Feature

Gordon Stewart: Two Universities: Paris and Liberty

The Rev. Gordon Stewart
Presbyterian Church (USA)

In this audio feature, the Rev. Gordon Stewart compares Thomas Aquinas' experience at Paris University with today's Liberty University.