Bishop Rob Wright: Lent 2013: Identity Theft


More than 9 million people will have critical information stolen from them this year. We call this identity theft. This is nothing new. The devil tried to steal Jesus' identity. (Luke 4:1-13) "If you are the Son of God," the devil would say.


If? Jesus understood who he was. He couldn't be defrauded of that. He didn't spend his life bouncing from version of himself to version of himself. His core was: beloved of God, child of God, "fearfully and wonderfully made," endowed with a dignity the world couldn't give. And so are we!


Lent is the season to reclaim the truth of who we are. A time to shake off partial definitions and distorted understandings of ourselves. We are who God says we are: Oaks. Watered gardens. Friends. Blessed. A colony of heaven. The thief comes to "steal, kill and destroy." (John 10:10) But there is a truth that flows down from Jesus' living to us and saves us from identity theft.


Say yes again to His truth.


Click on the link below to view Forever Jones performing  "He Wants It All"


Visit the website of the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta for more Lenten resources.