Bishop Rob Wright: Lent 2013: Loss and Gain


Loss is God's growth strategy.  Jesus' life teaches us this.  His life teaches us that loss for God's sake is gain.  An evolving, generative and joyful spiritual life hinges on uncoerced losing-offering so we can gain more Christ.  John the Baptist said it best: "I must decrease and He must increase."John 3:30 (There's a good prayer for Lent.)  

How we make it through the loss is by focusing on what Paul calls the "surpassing value of knowing Christ."  Philippians 3:8  Growth hinges on finding God worthy of the loss that accompanies growth.  St. Paul makes this clear when he says, "For His sake I have suffered loss."  And, "I regard my loss as rubbish in order that I may gain Christ." 

Philippians 3:7-9  

Wanting to gain Christ, despite loss, will help us close the gap between aspirations and current repertoire.  Wanting Christ will move us from old loyalties to new competencies.  Most church folks actually aren't change resistant; we're loss resistant.  And yet, "unless the seed falls and dies it will not give life."   John 12:24

Say yes to the loss that unlocks the gain.

Follow this link to hear a musical meditation:


For more Lenten resources, visit the website of the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta.