Bishop Rob Wright: Satisfied

I love the Psalms: 150 pieces of rap music in the Bible. They're honest. Where are you, God? Do you see my pain? Why do the evil prosper? Then there are other psalms, psalms I hope you can say, psalms that speak of being satisfied with God.


Are you satisfied in God? Satisfied is to be completely furnished with something. It's to know and not merely believe. Satisfied in God is knowing that God's grace is bigger than any storm we could face. Satisfied in God is knowing that if you trust God with your wounds, God will make winning out of them. Satisfied in God is knowing; to trust God is to really live!


Being satisfied in God is to have a library of God's gracious deeds in your heart. That's what I hear when the psalmist says, "Taste and see that the Lord is good!"




Me encantan los Salmos: son 150piezas de músicarap que hay enla Biblia.Sonhonestos. ¿Dónde estás,Dios?¿Vesmi dolor? ¿Por quéprosperan los malos? Luegohayotros salmos que podemos llamar de esperanza, salmos que hablande estar satisfechoscon Dios.

¿Estás satisfechocon Dios?Satisfecho esestar completamenteamueblado conalgo.Essabery no solamentecreer. Satisfechocon Dioses saberque la gracia deDios esmás poderosa quecualquier tormenta a que podríamosenfrentarnos.Satisfechocon Dioses saber quesi confías enDios contusheridas, Dios hará de ellas algo positivo.Satisfechocon Dioses saber. ¡Confiar en Dioses vivirde verdad!

Estarsatisfechocon Dioses teneruna biblioteca deobrasde gracia de Diosentu corazón.Eso eslo que oigocuando elsalmista dice:"¡Gustad, y ved que bueno es el Senor!"


(Traducción por Isaías Rodríguez)


Taken with permission. Visit the website of the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta.