5 ways to get "Un-Busy" for Lent
My life is busy. Too busy most of the time. What about yours? Do you have enough time of simply “hanging?” Do you get to breathe deeply and set aside the to-do list for a moment and remember that it is ok to just “be?” When we become captive to our agendas and checklists, our lives suffer.
Likewise, when worship is just another checklist–like the agenda of folk’s last work meeting or the never-ending to-do list at home, our spiritual lives suffer. As facilitators of portals through which we experience the divine (i.e. worship planners), we have to be careful that we don’t fall into the trap of cramming our worship experiences so full that there is no room to just “be” in the presence of the Holy One. I’m inviting you to consider this closely as you plan for Lent.
How could you “un-busy” your worship? To read the rest of this article head over to Marcia's website and check out her blog: http://marciamcfee.com/index.php/5-ways-to-get-un-busy-for-lent/ Better yet...sign up for her blog and receive all her updates.