Roy Lloyd: Am I Enough?


I recently saw three words written on a church chalkboard that have captivated me: "You are enough."  So I wondered, am I enough? Is anyone enough?

* Scripture declares that we are wonderfully made by our Creator and the consistent message is that God loves us;

* Since no one is perfect, we must be as compassionate about ourselves as we are for others;

* On the other hand, thinking we are unworthy is self-limiting and we can try to dodge the hard work of living up to who we can be.

That's why I'm following the religious tradition of repeatedly saying to myself in the morning, "I am enough."  My prayer is for that thought to become so ingrained that I become the words. 

It was St. Ambrose who said this gentle intonation was like the waves repeatedly coming onto the shore producing a happy tranquility in the soul. I believe that's one way the answer to "Am I enough?" might become yes. 

This is Roy Lloyd.

Originally presented as a commentary on 1010 WINS in New York City.