Julia Rusling: This Week's Day1 Sermon in Context


My Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

When I wrote this week's sermon for Day1 back in August, I had no idea the context into which it would be proclaimed. (In truth, I prayed as much as I studied and wrote as I struggled with this experiential vacuum.)  And so now, I continue fervently in my prayers that the Spirit may speak through the words spoken here to the churning of our nation, of our hearts, of our lives, of the core of our very being.

We are in the midst, Brothers and Sisters, right now, of the creation of a new heaven and a new earth.  The time is so clearly here before us, in all it's rawness and vulnerability, in all its difficulty and fear, and yes, in all its powerful opportunity.  It is messy, painful, difficult work.  But it IS gospel work.  And it is Gospel work in which God is with us in every breath, step, prayer, and hand reached out to another in hope and trust, in commitment and love. 

This is not work that we can do alone.  It is work for which we powerfully need each other, grounded in a commitment to continual prayer and depth of listening to Spirit and to one another.  It is Gospel work that we must speak and actively and intentionally live towards and with one another right in the density of this churning.

Wolf and lamb can indeed lie down with one another.  Are we ourselves willing to take that risk?  Are we ourselves willing to believe this Gospel call and to step forth into this Holy Work, as uncomfortable and challenging and vulnerable as it may so often feel and be?  I know you are able to do this work, I know WE are able to do this work, for God is and will be working side by side with us.  We are not alone!

Indeed, "Glory to God, whose power working in us can do infinitely more than we could ever ask or imagine!" (Ephesians 3:20)  Amen!!!  And I can imagine a LOT!  You too?  Good! Alleluia!!!

I know and see the Light of Christ in you!  I look forward to our ministry together in the truth, power, presence and love of Christ.

Much love and many prayers,
