
Young David had just returned from a victorious campaign against the Philistines. The people proclaimed him a hero, and this greatly displeased King Saul. From that day on he eyed David with jealous eyes. This jealousy quickly flamed into a vehement, violent passion, which drove Saul to repeated acts of madness and finally to the utmost depths of despair and ruin.

The Rev. John R Gun writes, "Saul was not a petty man. He was really a big man, and on occasion displayed the finest spirit of nobility. But when jealously struck its fangs into his soul, his blood curdled and his brave heart turned to hate. 

This is a tragedy we often witness: big men embittered and soured by jealousy. There are few men who can resist the temptation to jealousy when a new star arises that threatens to rival them in public admiration. The tragic story of Saul is a warning to all of us. But it's special warning to men of rank, who by reason of an exceptional nature, have achieved an exceptional mark.

Jealousy has written a black shadow across many a soul. There are few tragedies more pitiable -- more pathetic -- than to see a big man ruined by jealousy. But although this is a special peril for the great and the famous, it happens to all of us whatever our rank or station. Jealousy ruins souls whenever it is allowed to enter the human heart. Our only sure defense against it is the armor of Christian love that judges our own worth wisely and rejoices in the worth of others."