Sit Still Awhile

"All activity is not achievement; all motion is not progress - sit still awhile. Take time to get your bearings and your motion and activity will count for more.

Hurry flusters and upsets; haste makes waste - sit still awhile. Learn to take things more calmly and you will soon find yourself working more efficiently and effectively.

Feverish straining is exhausting; working hurriedly and excitedly quickly breaks down the vital forces of both body and soul - sit still awhile. Give your body and soul a chance to accumulate a little reserve power and you will have a greater resilience and last longer" - thus writes columnist John R. Gunn.

'Their strength is to sit still', says Isaiah the ancient prophet. There's a strength and poise gained only in quietness. There is also a knowledge gained only in stillness - Be still and know that I am God. The deeper truths of life are taught by the still, small voice which may not be heard amid the den of world noises. The great realities of the spiritual realm are discovered and apprehended in silent and solitary reflection. Indeed, in every realm - in art, music, literature, science, mechanics - the greatest discoveries come out of thoughtful silence. There is a silence in which the soul grows and an inaction in which action comes to birth.

If you would know life's deeper meaning or make any worthwhile discoveries, acquire the habit of silent thinking. Come apart occasionally - sit still awhile.