Deliverer From Sin

Sometimes amid the preparation for Christmas and the paying of bills afterward, we lose sight of the significance of the coming of Christ; one old man saw it very clearly.

Some days after Christ's birth, according to Jewish custom, His parents took Him to God's temple in Jerusalem to present Him to the Lord. In strict observance of Jewish law, Mary offered a sacrifice as a part of the ceremony of presenting her child.

Now there was a man in Jerusalem, a very old man, whose name was Simeon. He was very devout - a man who had prayed long for the restoration of Israel's freedom from the rule of Rome. In answer to his prayer, the Holy Spirit had revealed that he would not die before he had seen the Messiah - God's promised one, who would redeem Israel and all Mankind.

When Mary and Joseph brought the baby into the temple, the old man, guided by the Holy Spirit, came into the temple and approached the little family. He took the baby in his arms and praised God and said, 'This day master, thou givest thy servant his discharge in peace. Now thy promise is fulfilled; for I have seen with my own eyes the deliverance which thou has made ready in full view of all the nations. A light that will be a revelation to the heathen and a glory to thy people of Israel.'

This is the real story of Christmas; this is the reason we celebrate the day and rejoice all the year. This babe is indeed our deliverer from sin and the fear of death. In Him is God's light filling all of our lives in this day and in the coming year.