God says, "Since there will never cease
to be some in need on the earth,
I therefore command you,
'Open your hand to the poor
and needy neighbor in your land.'"
-Deuteronomy 15:11
Poverty is a fact of life. There will always be some circumstances that cause people to lose their money and belongings and live in utter need: financial reversals, the loss of the breadwinner, poor health, lack of support, social conditions.
We may be able to work and provide and pay taxes, but there will always be people who need financial help. Why don't they just get a job? Why don't they do something for themselves? Well, some can't. Others won't. That's not for us to answer.
The fact is, people in need will always be with us. And God tells us what we are to do about it: We are to open our hands and be generous.
Are you fulfilling that desire of God's heart? There are ample opportunities-just check them out. Ask God today how you can help those in need in your community.