The Rev. Dr. Thomas G. Long
Denomination: Presbyterian Church (USA) (PCUSA)
Organization: Candler School of Theology, Emory University, Atlanta, GA
The Rev. Dr. Thomas G. Long is the Bandy Professor of Preaching Emeritus at Candler School of Theology, Emory University, Atlanta, GA, and the author or editor of 14 books on preaching and worship. He is ordained in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).
He is the chair of the Day1 Advisory Board, comprosed of leading preachers, scholars, and other leaders.
Dr. Long received his BA and M.Div. from Erskine Seminary and his Ph.D. from Princeton Theological Seminary in 1980. He began his career as a preacher at McElroy Presbyterian Church near Atlanta, GA and since that time has taught at a number of seminaries, including Princeton. Columbia, and Candler.
In 1996, Dr. Long was named one of the twelve most effective preachers in the English speaking world by Baylor University, along with the likes of Fred Craddock, Billy Graham, James Forbes, Barbara Brown Taylor and William Willimon. He was ordained by the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church and currently his ordination is held by the PCUSA.
Day1 Weekly Programs by The Rev. Dr. Thomas G. Long
View All Day1 Weekly Programs...
There Was a Man Who Had Two Sons - Episode #4175
Tuesday March 25, 2025
Join us for Episode #4175 of Day1 as Rev. Dr. Thomas G. Long, Bandy Professor of Preaching Emeritus at Candler School of Theology, delivers his inspiring sermon, “There Was a Man Who Had Two Sons,” based on Luke 15:11-32. In this reflective message, he explores the well-known parable of the prodigal son, emphasizing not just one son's return but the father’s love for both. Preached on the 4th Sunday in Lent, this sermon invites us to reflect on grace, reconciliation, and God’s open arms. With his engaging storytelling and deep theological insight, Dr. Long challenges us to see ourselves in both sons and embrace the mercy that welcomes us home. Tune in now for a compelling journey of Scripture and spiritual renewal.
Something to Take Home from Church
Tuesday October 10, 2023
Sometimes people will complain to their pastors, “Don’t give us a bunch of big ideas and fancy theology in your sermons. Make them practical. Come down out of the clouds and give us something in a sermon we can hold onto and take home with us from church!” Well, in today’s Bible story that’s exactly what a man named Aaron did. He gave the people something they could hold onto and take home from church all right— an idol, a golden calf. What that story has to say to us today may challenge us, even upset us, but it is a word we need to hear.
Tom Long: Between a Rock and a Stumbling Block
Tuesday August 18, 2020
In his sermon on Matthew 16:13-23, Dr. Tom Long encourages us to move from being a stumbling block to God’s purposes to being a rock--just as Simon Peter was--and follow God's purposes right where we are.
Tom Long: The Wrong Town at the Wrong Time
Tuesday January 01, 2019
Dr. Tom Long helps us consider the magi seeking the newborn king in a new way””as those who came to the wrong town at the wrong time. These were likely learned men, and it’s surprising that they went to Jerusalem rather than Bethlehem, since they were supposedly following a guiding star. But, as an impoverished believer in Nicaragua put it “In Herod’s palace there was nothing but corruption and evil, and the Messiah couldn’t be born there. He had to be born among the people, poor, in a stable.”
Tom Long: Numbering Our Days - Faith & Science Series Part 7
Tuesday November 03, 2015
The Rev. Dr. Tom Long says the psalmist asks God to teach us to number our days that we may gain a wise heart. In light of advances in medical science, how do we best do that?
The Start of the Trail
Tuesday May 29, 2012
The Rev. Dr. Tom Long says the doctrine of the Trinity is like a trail in a deep and mysterious forest called the life of God, and if we walk this trail we’ll discover something of what God is truly like in all of God’s beauty and wildness and splendor.
What's the Gift?
Tuesday May 22, 2012
As the church celebrates Pentecost, the Rev. Dr. Tom Long helps us grasp what the gift of the Holy Spirit really means in our lives and in our churches today.
Mary and Martha
Sunday July 22, 2007
The Rev. Dr. Thomas G. Long takes a careful look at the story of the conflict between Mary and Martha and sees Jesus' call to attend closely to the Word in order to make our service deep, meaningful and lasting.
Meeting the Good Samaritan
Sunday July 15, 2007
The Rev. Dr. Thomas G. Long helps us see the deeper story in the parable of the Good Samaritan that Jesus is the despised and rejected Samaritan that lifts our broken lives from the ditch and into healing.
Is There Joy in God's House?
Sunday March 21, 2004
The Rev. Dr. Thomas G. Long is a minister in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and the Bandy Professor of Preaching at Candler School of Theology, Emory University, Atlanta, Ga.
So, What about the Resurrection?
Sunday February 15, 2004
The Rev. Dr. Thomas G. Long is an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and the Bandy Professor of Preaching at Candler School of Theology, Emory University, Atlanta, Ga. Dr. Long explores the human need for proof of the resurrection.
Called by Name
Sunday January 11, 2004
The Rev. Dr. Thomas G. Long is a minister in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and the Bandy Professor of Preaching at Candler School of Theology, Emory University, Atlanta, Ga.
Articles by The Rev. Dr. Thomas G. Long
Preaching Wisdom for a Polarized Age
Monday March 17, 2025
In Episode #4174 of Day1, Rev. Dr. Tom Long and Rev. Dr. Jared Alcántara join host Rev. Dr. Katie Givens Kime to explore how preachers can faithfully navigate a polarized, divided world. How can we name injustice without causing division? Discover practical insights for preaching with humility, courage, and compassion in challenging times.
Rev. Dr. Edmund Steimle’s Transformative Approach to Preaching | Insights with Rev. Dr. Tom Long
Monday December 16, 2024
Rev. Dr. Edmund Steimle transformed radio preaching with his dialogical style. Rev. Dr. Tom Long, a longtime student and admirer of Steimle's work shares reflections on his legacy, and how he blended faith and doubt to inspire spiritual growth. With an insightful video clip.
ON Scripture: Imagining Economic Justice (Matthew 20:1-16) By Thomas G. Long
Monday September 18, 2017
Every day at 3:00 a.m., the men who have slept on the floor of the Border Farmworkers Center in El Paso rouse themselves from sleep. Soon the busses from the farms growing chiles and peppers in New Mexico will rattle into the parking lot. The overseers will step off the buses and look over the crowd of men hoping to work in the fields. Those who appear young, strong, and able will be summoned to get on the bus, while others will be left behind, hoping that another bus will soon arrive needing laborers.
Tom Long: Craddock made 'our hearts more hospitable, our imaginations more free'
Tuesday April 07, 2015
Thomas G. Long, Bandy Professor of Preaching at Candler, shared this reflection at Fred Craddock's memorial service on March 9, 2015, at Cherry Log Christian Church in north Georgia.
Chris Yaw Interviews Tom Long: Preaching Better...And Longer!
Friday January 11, 2013
Average sermon length is now over 17 minutes these days – signalling the first increase in average American sermons in 200 years – says Thomas Long, Candler professor and preaching expert. There are several reasons, says Long, one of them is that people are looking for ”˜useful’ sermons – that take longer to unpack.
ON Scripture: Dr. Tom Long on John 1:6-8;19-28: Faith and Fear
Wednesday December 07, 2011
The fear about exposure and judgment comes to white hot focus in a remarkable biblical story, told early in the Gospel of John, about an investigative team dispatched from the capital city to interrogate an enigmatic preacher named John the Baptizer.
Day1 Benefit with Dr. Tom Long - March 24th 2009
Monday March 30, 2009
A recap of the March 24th benefit for Day1 and the Alliance for Christian Media kicking off the campaign for the Protestant Hour Archive project. Also featuring the 2009 Community Leaders of Faith awards.
Video by The Rev. Dr. Thomas G. Long
Dr. Tom Long on "30 Good Minutes": Through the Churning Waters
Monday June 08, 2015
In his message, Through the Churning Waters, Tom Long, Professor of Preaching at Emory University’s Candler School of Theology, talks about grief and healing, and how faith plays a part in moving us from grief to wholeness.
The Riddles of Jesus
Monday March 18, 2013
The Rev. Dr. Thomas G. Long gives us some insight into the use of riddles in the bible as a method for storytelling, and what it reveals that we can learn from our faith.
The Rev. Dr. Thomas G. Long - Day1 Conversations
Thursday May 31, 2012
The Rev. Dr. Thomas G. Long sits down with Day1 host emeritus Peter Wallace to discuss his teaching work with the Candler School of Theology at Emory University, his books on evil and suffering as well as the Christian funeral, and his thoughts on how our very own Protestant Hour archives could provide a valuable window into the history of preaching in the 20th century. Join us for a conversation of faith and hope, only on Day1.
The Rev. Dr. Thomas G. Long - "Sticks and Stones" - 30 Good Minutes
Friday October 07, 2011
Many people are concerned about the breakdown in civil discourse in society, the way we speak about each other in our public and political life. Dr. Thomas G. Long, Bandy Professor of Preaching at Emory University's Candler School of Theology, explores the power of words to hurt or to heal.
Conversation with Tom Long - A 30 Good Minutes Interview
Friday October 07, 2011
Lillian Daniel and Daniel Pawlus in conversation with Tom Long on the power of words to create or divide a community””a family, a faith group, a nation.
The Rev. Dr. Thomas Long - "A Living Hope" on 30 Good Minutes
Wednesday July 21, 2010
What does impudent mean? The Rev. Thomas Long discusses early Christianity and Christian hope in this inspirational message on challenges, persistence and an undying faith in the strength of God's message.
The Rev. Dr. Thomas Long - Conversation on "A Living Hope" on 30 Good Minutes
Wednesday July 21, 2010
A conversation on the sermon "A Living Hope" on 30 Good Minutes by the Rev. Dr. Thomas Long.
Where You Never Expected to Be - Thomas Long on 30 Good Minutes
Wednesday August 05, 2009
Dr. Thomas Long, Professor of Preaching at the Candler School of Theology at Emory University, shares a message called "Where You Never Expected to Be." He says God calls us to tasks we never imagined for ourselves and places we never expected to be. If we know how to listen, we can hear God's call right now.
30 Good Minutes - A Conversation with Thomas Long
Wednesday August 05, 2009
Hosts Daniel Pawlus and Lydia Talbot in conversation with Thomas Long on the topic of our calling. He says the call to serve God is always costly, but never ourtside the range of our abilities. God uses the gifts and passions we have already been given to equip us for whatever it is to which we are called.
Day1 March Benefit - Featuring Rev. Dr. Thomas Long
Friday March 27, 2009
Rev. Dr. Thomas Long speaks to the Annual Day1 Benefit Gala on Tuesday, March 24th 2009. The gala celebrated the 2009 Atlanta Community Leaders of Faith and kicked off a campaign to restore the historic archives of the Protestant Hour and Day1. Community Leaders of Faith for 2009 are: Jean and Betty Mori, Gay Love, Alexis Scott, Spurgeon Richardson, Coach Bill Curry and Ann Cramer.
Radio by The Rev. Dr. Thomas G. Long
Day 1 Podcast Extra- Long
Thursday August 02, 2007
In this Day One Podcast Extra, The Rev. Dr. Thomas G. Long, Bandy Professor of Preaching at Candler School of Theology, Emory University, Atlanta, GA, and the author or editor of 14 books on preaching and worship, shares his personal insights and experi