Moses Did Not Know

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Every day, Christians get discouraged and are tempted to turn from the Lord. We wonder if believing in Christ really makes a difference in the world. The truth of today's scripture reading is this, we do not and cannot know all the light that God works through us because OUR eyes must NOT be on OUR work, but instead on the work of the Lord, who is ALL that we need to know.

Listen to the text, Exodus 34:29, "When Moses came down from Mount Sinai with the two tablets of the Testimony in his hands he was not aware that his face was radiant because he had spoken with the Lord."

Now before we go any farther let's celebrate the truth. The reason that Moses was shining was because of what he KNEW. In his hands Moses carried two tablets of Testimony. He GRASPED the knowledge, he KNEW that his future and the future of ALL the people was in the hands of Almighty God. Armed with confidence in the Lord, Moses couldn't help but shine.

The reason this truth is so important is because the question that Christians face every day is whether or not to "stay the course" with God. Around every turn the devil tempts us to believe that living for the Lord doesn't make a difference. He quietly slinks up to our left ear and whispers, "How do you know?" "How do you know?"

So let's talk a minute about knowing. What do we know? And what do we not know? What we've HEARD is that "ignorance is bliss." But actually, that's only HALF of the old quote from Thomas Gray, which really says, "Where ignorance is bliss, 'tis folly to be wise." More importantly, God's OWN Word clearly says that ignorance is NOT bliss. Proverbs 1:7 "Fools despise wisdom and instruction." Certainly knowing is good.

Knowledge is a form of security. It is something to grasp, to hold onto. The Latin word for having knowledge is "science," so that it's logical that even scientists affirm that knowledge is good, graspable and a form of security.

But there are exceptions to every rule. Some knowledge is not so good and so, in God's grand design, is not able to be grasped by humanity. The one knowledge that eludes us, and always will, is the knowledge of what's in our future, the knowledge of what lies ahead. The future has always intrigued and troubled us. From time machines to crystal balls, from horoscopes to pigskin previews, we devour any glimpse of the future that lies ahead.

Yet, all the Bible will tell us about the future is that the future belongs to God. That's it. The future belongs to God. You see, before Moses strolls down the mountain with confidence in Exodus 34, Moses has this little encounter with God in Exodus 33. There in Exodus 33, the Lord is proclaiming all the wonderful things he will do for Moses and the people. And Moses, in 33:18, says, "Show me." God's response? God says, "I will, I will show you, but you can see it only after it's done." Literally, verse 23 says, "You shall see my back, but my face shall not be seen." In other words, we can only see things clearly, after God is done. Scholars call this "eschatological verification." The rest of us say, "hindsight is 20/20."

I mean, think about this folks. In Genesis 1, what did God create after men and women? Nothing, well except rest, but nothing that could be seen. In other words, we only saw God's work after it was done. In Genesis, when did God create woman? Answer, when man was sleeping. We only saw God's work AFTER it was done. When did God save humanity from sin? Answer, while we were yet sinners. In other words, we had no clue what was going on until after salvation was accomplished. Time and again, such as in John 2:22, the Bible ways we only know what God has done AFTER God is finished.

So, what does the future look like? All the Bible will tell us is that the future belongs to God. Today, we see a little more clearly what God was up to yesterday. And tomorrow, we'll know more about today.

"But wait," you say, "What about the prophets? Didn't the prophets predict the future?" No, the prophets did not predict the future. The prophets did not foretell. What the prophets did do is say, "God is coming. The future is God. And that future's going to hurt because it's going to collide with this Godless generation." The prophets saw God in the future, and anyone who would look could see that the future didn't look too much like the present. The prophets were simply seeing the proverbial "writing on the wall." One writer, I believe Brevard Childs, once wrote that the prophets were not foretellers, instead they were forthtellers. No one can see the future but God, because the future belongs to God.

Even Jesus, though he was fully God, could not in his humanity know more than that the future belongs to God. For he said, in Matthew 24:36, that only the Father knows the "day or hour."

Folks, do you realize the good news of this truth? In a nutshell, the good news is that if the future belongs to God, then we know that the future will be just fine. If the future belongs to God, who gives life, and to God who after convicting us of our sin forgives sin, and to God who raised Jesus from the dead, and to God who in Christ has conquered sin and death, and to God who by his Holy Spirit continues to call people to his Almighty and merciful self. and if the future belongs to this one and only God, who time and again unto eternity displays that he is FOR US, then the future will be just fine. And THAT'S AAAALLLL we need to know about the future. In the words of Jesus in Matthew 6:25, "Don't woooorry about it."

Again, do you realize the good news of this truth? A couple of things. First, you want to plan for the future, fine, plan for the future, but the only plans for the future that will last are the plans that are built on the Word of God. If your plans aren't in accord with God's Word, then they will fail! Just ask old Gamaliel in Acts chapter 5. And this is good because if you have something in the future that is not of God and it lasts, then you are dead. I mean really dead. the future belongs to God, so plan for the future with God fully in mind.

And there's more. The good news that the future belongs to God means that what we know today is enough! In John 16:12, Jesus says, "I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear. But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth." God by his Spirit is guiding us into his own future at a pace that we can bear. So don't rush it! My two little girls love growing up, they love every new challenge. But sometimes they want to grow at a pace that is more than they can bear. The result is tension, tears, exhaustion. Their mother and I tell them what they know today is enough. More will be given tomorrow. The same is true for all of us as children of God's good guidance and care. The future belongs to God.

And think about this, Remember at the beginning of our time how we said, every day, Christians get discouraged and are tempted to turn from the Lord. We wonder if believing in Christ really makes a difference in the world.

Around every turn, the devil tempts us to believe that living for the Lord' doesn't make a difference. He quietly slinks up to our left ear and whispers, "How do you know? How do you know?" Do you remember when we said that?

Now what would your answer be? How about, "Devil get behind me. No, I can't see exactly how believing in Christ makes a difference. But Devil, I'll tell you how I know it WILL make a difference, because the future belongs to God. Devil see the writing on the wall. My today. joined to Jesus, will be joined to God's tomorrow. But devil your today of unbelief will be defeated by God's tomorrow"

Think of it this way. How do you know that believing and living in the Lord makes a difference? Well who would've ever believed that old Abraham and Sarah, childless as can be, could make a difference? Yet their future belonged to God and God not only gave them a child, but a child through which many nations would be blessed. Abraham and Sarah made a difference because the future belonged to God.

Who would've ever believed that man named Jesus, nailed to a cross, could make a difference? Yet his future belonged to God and God not only raised him from the dead, but salvation from sin and death has been offered to the whole world through him. Jesus of Nazareth made a difference because his future belonged to God.

Who would've ever believed that man named John, pounding on rock in a quarry on a Island, or a man named Paul, confined to a prison cell, or a man named Stephen, stoned to death, ALL FOR THEIR CONFIDENCE IN GOD, who would've ever believed that they would make a difference. Yet their future belonged to God and God not only gave them vision of the TRUTH that the future belonged to God, but their testimonies have inspired many in the face of despair to press on with faith in the living God because the future belongs to God.

Folks, don't stop believing that your life in Christ is making a difference. Don't stop believing that your boldness to speak out in the name of Christ is making a difference. Don't stop believing that your confidence to trust, receive and obey Christ is making a difference. We have hope in the face of despair. Devil get behind me, the future belongs to God!

Brothers and sisters in Christ, do you remember that when Moses came down that mountain he did not know that his face was radiant? Yet he shone for all to see. He shone because he grasped in his hands two tablets bearing the truth of God's Word, promising that the future belongs to God. As long as he kept his eyes on the Lord, he himself could not see himself shining but he was a light, a difference for others.

Once upon a time a man named Jesus went up a high mountain. He took with him three friends, Peter, James and John. Jesus began to shine before them with Moses, Elijah, and the voice of God also appearing. In the end only Jesus was there. Jesus, similar to Moses, chose not to focus on the light that shone through him but instead kept his eyes on the will of the Lord. Jesus, too confidently grasped the truth that the future belongs to God and obediently went to the cross, so that the light of his resurrection makes a difference in all who will receive him.

Now, what about you? The light of God is shining upon you. Will you bask in its warmth and say, "Wow! This feels so good. This feels as good as the fire that warmed the hands of Peter?" Or WILL you like the prophet Moses before us, and like the Christ who shines in us, choose not to focus on the light that shines through you but instead keep your eyes on the Lord? Will you grasp the truth that the future belongs to God and obediently go to the cross, so that the light of Christ's resurrection can make a difference in all who will receive you?

Look with me, there, at the stranger. Do you have any compassion? Instead of shunning them, can you keep your eyes on the Lord and see his arms wrapped around that stranger? Who knows? Maybe it's an angel you'll entertain. You won't even know it, but to them your face is shining.

Look with me there at the children. Do you have time for them? Instead of working another hour, which really will not change the world, can you keep your eyes on the Lord and see His arms wrapped around that child? Who knows? Maybe you'll inherit the kingdom of God with them. You won't even know it, but to them your face is shining.

Look with me, there at your wife. Do you have time to listen? Instead of wanting her to serve you, can you keep your eyes on the Lord, and see His arms wrapped around her? Who knows? Maybe your marriage will be better than you always dreamed. You won't even know it, but to her your face is shining.

Look with me, there at the future. Do you have the desire to see? Keep your eyes on the Lord, and see His arms wrapped around tomorrow. Who knows? Maybe you'll begin to see that the future is bright and sunny for those who know that the future belongs to God. Amen.

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