Greg Garrett
Denomination: The Episcopal Church (TEC)
Organization: George W. Truett Theological Seminary at Baylor University
Greg Garrett is (according to BBC Radio) one of America's leading voices on religion and culture. He is the author or co-author of over twenty books of fiction, theology, cultural criticism, and spiritual autobiography. His most recent books are The Prodigal, written with the legendary Brennan Manning, Entertaining Judgment: The Afterlife in Popular Imagination, and My Church Is Not Dying: Episcopalians in the 21st Century. A contributor to Patheos since 2010, Greg also writes for the Huffington Post,, OnFaith, The Tablet, Reform, and other web and print publications in the US and UK.
Greg Garrett is the author of the critically-acclaimed novels Free Bird (chosen by Publishers' Weekly and the Rocky Mountain News as one of the most promising fiction debuts of 2002), Cycling, and Shame, the memoirs Crossing Myself and No Idea, and nonfiction books including The Gospel according to Hollywood, Holy Superheroes, Stories from the Edge: A Theology of Grief, We Get to Carry Each Other: The Gospel according to U2, and One Fine Potion: The Literary Magic of Harry Potter. A past winner of regional and national prizes for fiction and nonfiction, Greg is also a major writer for "The Voice," a contemporary language Bible for the emerging church, and a major contributor to Feasting on the Word, a lectionary commentary, in the areas of theology and homiletics.
Greg has taught (creative writing, literature, film, and theology) at Baylor University for over twenty years; he is Professor of English there, and has twice won university-wide teaching awards. His students have gone on to success as writers, teachers, scholars, and leaders in the Church. His own vocational service to the Church is as Writer in Residence for the priests and pastors in training at the Episcopal Theological Seminary of the Southwest (where he earned his M.Div.), and as a licensed lay preacher based at St. David's Episcopal Church in Austin, Texas. Greg is also a frequent teacher, speaker, and workshop and retreat leader across the United States and overseas.
When he is not traveling, Greg lives in Austin with his sons Jake and Chandler. He loves movies, fiction, comics, music, the outdoors, and Jesus. The other Jesus, that is.
You may contact Greg about readings, lectures and teaching at Greg_Garrett at
Buy Greg's books at
Day1 Weekly Programs by Greg Garrett
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If Christ Is King, What Does That Mean?
Tuesday November 15, 2011
In his sermon on the Reign of Christ, Greg Garrett explores Jesus' teaching on separating the sheep and the goats, and helps us wrestle with the questions, "What does Jesus want me to do and to be? How will my life be different if Christ is King?"
Articles by Greg Garrett
David Crumm: Greg Garrett Helps Us Understand Hollywood’s Role in Systemic Racism
Tuesday June 16, 2020
Why is Hollywood such a vital part of the Black Lives Matter effort to open up discussions of systemic racism? In his new book "A Long, Long Time," Baylor University scholar Greg Garrett says that it’s because movies are such a deeply embedded part of our own self image as Americans.
David Crumm: Greg Garrett Invites Us on a Pilgrimage through the Bible and Other Great Books
Thursday November 14, 2019
Got a book lover on your holiday shopping list? Inspirational writer Greg Garrett has two wonderful books of interest to a wide range of readers interested in spirituality.
David Crumm: Greg Garrett on Crossing Myself: A spiritual pilgrimage through chronic depression
Wednesday March 22, 2017
Depression affects millions of men and women each year. While it is a psychiatric disorder that needs treatment, as Greg Garrett points out in Crossing Myself, depression also can be intertwined with spiritual crisis. In addition to therapy and medication, recovery can often draw on religious disciplines””and the embrace of religious communities””in restoring one’s balance.
Greg Garrett: So What Can We Do?
Friday July 29, 2016
A recent headline in the centrist British newspaper The Independent fills the whole front page: “America’s Race Hate Nightmare.” Not 1920. Not 1950. This morning. The Americans I encounter here in the UK are as stunned as my friends in the States. Even the Brits want to talk about America for once. What can we do?
Greg Garrett: Why the Inklings Still Matter
Saturday September 26, 2015
This summer, I lived for five weeks in Oxford, where the influence of the Inklings -- the group of Oxford writers and thinkers including J. R. R. Tolkien, C. S. Lewis, Charles Williams, and Owen Barfield -- remains visible everywhere you go. The Inklings are as omnipresent in Oxford as Lewis Carroll's Alice.
Greg Garrett: Why I Am (Still) an Episcopalian
Saturday August 22, 2015
I'm not Episcopalian because I think the Church needs me; I am Episcopalian because a faithful community from this tradition saved me.
Greg Garrett: Why the Inklings Still Matter in 2015: An Interview with Carol and Philip Zaleski on The Fellowship
Tuesday July 28, 2015
In this exclusive interview for, the Zaleskis explain their attraction to the Inklings and help us understand why one more book on the group matters.
Greg Garrett: Stepping Bravely Into the Future: A Conversation with Bishop Andy Doyle on the Episcopal Church, Part Two
Tuesday July 21, 2015
"You and I have been called for just such a time as this. This is our vision. This is our time. This is our opportunity to write the legacy of the Church of God and how it responded to this era and this context."
Greg Garrett: Denomination, Community, and Culture: A Conversation with Bishop Andy Doyle on the Episcopal Church, Part One
Tuesday July 14, 2015
"Every Sunday people choose us. So I believe it is important to understand why they are choosing us and to embrace the best part of ourselves as Episcopalians." -- Bishop Andy Doyle
Greg Garrett: We Are All the Ages We Have Ever Been: An Interview with Rachel Held Evans
Wednesday June 10, 2015
"I attend an Episcopal church, but I still carry with me attitudes and convictions from my evangelical upbringing. Evangelicalism is like my religious mother tongue. I could no more 'walk away' from evangelicalism than I could 'walk away' from my parents."
Greg Garrett: Hating the Duggars
Tuesday June 02, 2015
As much as I love hating the Duggars and love crowing about how much better I am, I too am a bigot. And a hypocrite.
Greg Garrett: Living the Questions: Doing Episcopal Theology
Thursday May 28, 2015
Here's how to read and understand the Bible, the Anglican "middle" way.
Greg Garrett: The Anglican Way: Spiritual and Communal
Thursday May 14, 2015
It's spiritually important to be reminded that we are part of something bigger than ourselves, especially in America, where we are prone to take our ball and go home when we don't like the way the game is going.
Greg Garrett: False Teacher? Or Just Stupid? A "Christian Heretic" Responds
Friday May 08, 2015
What do you do when you and another fellow Christian really don't agree?
Greg Garrett: Game of Thrones, Common Worship, and Community: Singing Together Against the Dark
Saturday May 02, 2015
One of the most popular stories of our time is being unfolded in George R. R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire books, which to date have sold over 25 million copies, been translated into 40 languages, and been adapted into the acclaimed TV series Game of Thrones, which began its much-anticipated fifth season April 12.
Greg Garrett: What Good Is Religion, Anyway? Why I Am Spiritual -- and -- Religious
Saturday April 25, 2015
I know why spiritual but not religious might seem to some people like a very good idea. But I also know this: religion saved me when spirituality could not.
Greg Garrett: Seeing the World with Resurrection Eyes
Wednesday April 08, 2015
The resurrection story, however we understand it, whether or not we can explain it, should make a difference in our minds and hearts. It's supposed to; that's what resurrection does.
Greg Garrett: Not Your Father's Francis: Jon Sweeney's "When Saint Francis Saved the Church"
Friday October 17, 2014
Unlike Christians of the past 500 years who focused on doctrine, Francis operated more like contemporary believers, who focus on correct practice.
Greg Garrett: God Made It, I See It, and That Settles It: A Review of "God and the Gay Christian"
Thursday May 15, 2014
"God and the Gay Christian" could convince anyone wrestling with a biblical reason to support gay marriage and full gay inclusion in churches -- and everyone who ought to be.
Greg Garrett: Freestyle Faith: Some Thoughts on Michael W. Waters' New Book
Sunday March 09, 2014
Despite our cultural differences, the Rev. Waters and I are both seeking ultimate meaning in a world that tries with all its might to distract us with secondary meanings.
Greg Garrett: "Catching Fire": Spirituality and the Hunger Games, Part One
Thursday December 26, 2013
When we look closely at the sins of the Capitol, they are our sins -- exaggerated, to be sure, but still recognizable as our own.
David Crumm: The Brennan Manning Interview with Greg Garrett
Saturday December 21, 2013
BRENNAN MANNING is the reason we’re talking with Greg Garrett this week. Since ReadTheSpirit online magazine was founded in 2007, Greg Garrett has been a frequent guest. But, The Prodigal: A Ragamuffin Story is unique among Greg’s long list of titles. In the months before Brennan Manning’s death on April 27, 2013, Greg collaborated with Brennan to fulfill a final wish: to write a novel embodying Brennan’s central theme about Grace.
Greg Garrett: "Paul and the Faithfulness of God": Magisterial, and Yet Down to Earth
Saturday December 07, 2013
What N. T. Wright has given us in his two-volume study is the master class on Paul that I never had the chance to take in seminary.
Greg Garrett: Don Jon, Christians, and Porn
Tuesday October 15, 2013
Don Jon, like many of us, is all about me and mine, and porn is emblematic of that selfishness.
Greg Garrett: Faithful Fiction: A Review of "A Land Without Sin"
Thursday September 12, 2013
'A Land Without Sin' treats the great human themes -- love, faith, family, forgiveness, faith, good and evil, transformation -- that are also the great Christian themes.
Greg Garrett: Johnny Football, Phil Jackson, and Jesus; Or, Why There Is No "I" in "Team"
Wednesday August 21, 2013
For the sake of my kids -- of all the kids watching you grab at the high life -- could you please model a role a little more worth living?
Greg Garrett: Trayvon Martin, Self-Defense, and Christian Non-Violence: A Response to Preston Sprinkle's "Fight"
Tuesday August 13, 2013
The conclusion reached in the new book Fight is clear and cannot be nuanced: the Christian tradition does not make an exception to violence in the case of self-defense.
Greg Garrett: A Day in the Life at Gladstone's Library
Saturday August 03, 2013
Sometimes a place becomes so important to you that you can't imagine what your life would look like without it.
Greg Garrett: Preaching the Social Media Gospel
Sunday July 28, 2013
Today's church is already wired, and if your parish isn't taking full advantage of all of these ways of touching people throughout the week, it is becoming increasingly irrelevant.
Greg Garrett: When We Talk About Christian Education: Review of animate.Faith
Sunday June 09, 2013
Without active engagement in conversation about the life of faith -- what it is, what it might be -- most Christians remain in the shallow pool.
Greg Garrett: Casting Down Our Own Idols: A Review of Elizabeth Scalia's "Strange Gods"
Monday June 03, 2013
Knowing that the God who loves us totally wants to be loved totally in response offers a powerful counter to our very human failings.
Greg Garrett: Retelling the Old, Old Story: A Review of "God's Favorite Place on Earth"
Saturday June 01, 2013
A review of Frank Viola's new book: We need to hear the old stories in new ways to understand our own story of life in Christ.
Greg Garrett: Who Sinned? The Church Did: A Review of Amy Simpson's "Troubled Minds"
Monday May 20, 2013
When churches ignore or marginalize mental illness, they fail at the most basic Christian calling: rescuing the perishing and loving the seemingly unlovable.
Greg Garrett: When the World Explodes Around You, Pray for Peace
Tuesday April 30, 2013
When the world is raging and our thoughts are raging along with it, it's hard to be a person who seeks and finds peace.
Greg Garrett: Brennan Manning: The Prodigal Goes Home
Thursday April 25, 2013
Working on a final novel together, Brennan re-taught me this great lesson: God already loves us, seeks us, knows us, and God's judgment is always tempered by mercy and grace.
Greg Garrett: C.S. Lewis, 50 Years On
Saturday April 20, 2013
It is, literally, the year of C. S. Lewis. Fifty years since his death, on Nov. 22, 1963 -- yes, he died the same day as Kennedy and Aldous Huxley -- he is more influential than ever.
Greg Garrett: Made of Love: A Review of Cloud Cult's "Love"
Thursday March 28, 2013
As I listened to the album, I noticed more than once that I was performing that action which in my tradition we use when we feel blessed by the very touch of God: crossing myself.
Greg Garrett: Jesus Is Not Coming Soon
Friday March 22, 2013
It's not just Rapture prophets who make Christians look bad. Let's all stop talking about the End of Things and live the life of faith here and now.
Greg Garrett: C.S. Lewis, Human Being: A Review of Alister McGrath's "C.S. Lewis: A Life"
Sunday March 10, 2013
Rather than canonizing Lewis, McGrath's meticulously detailed book succeeds in humanizing him.
Greg Garrett: One Day More: Spirituality at the Oscars
Sunday February 24, 2013
This year's Best Picture films seem to espouse a common spiritual message: You have to get up every morning and do the work, where you are, with what you have.
Greg Garrett: Making Room for the Thoughtful Ones: A Review of Susan Cain's "Quiet"
Monday February 11, 2013
A third to a half of us are introverts, and yet our schools, our businesses, and yes, our religious institutions are set up on the model that all of us are extroverts.
Greg Garrett: Public Confessions: Good Enough?
Friday February 08, 2013
Why do Lance Armstrong, Manti Te'o, and other celebrities, politicians, and athletes go on national TV when they screw up?
Greg Garrett: Gay and Christian: A Review of "Torn: Rescuing the Gospel from the Gays-vs.-Christians Debate"
Sunday February 03, 2013
Christianity is tearing itself apart over the question of homosexuality. As Justin Lee notes in his new book Torn: Rescuing the Gospel from the Gays-vs.-Christians Debate, young people who know and love gay people””or are themselves more comfortable in accepting their own gay identities””are finding themselves often forced to choose between a perception of the Church as peculiarly antagonistic to gays and their own sense of love and justice.
Greg Garrett: Unabashedly Episcopalian: An Interview with Bishop Andrew Doyle
Sunday January 13, 2013
In his new book, Episcopal Bishop Andy Doyle of Texas says we are a more credible, more authentic voice when we are linked to the ancient faith of our ancestors.
Greg Garrett: Grieving Newtown: Seven Lessons in Healthy Sorrow
Friday December 21, 2012
I've been asked to write about theology and violence after every recent mass shooting, and I am sick to death of doing so, but the Newtown shootings feel different to me. I have not seen others--nor myself been--so affected by an event since 9/11, a comparison many in the media and in spiritual leadership roles have also made.
Greg Garrett: Holy and Human: A Review of The Saint Who Would Be Santa Claus
Friday December 07, 2012
Before Santa Claus there was St. Nicholas. Who was this patron saint of children, patron saint of sailors, our primary image of gift-giving and generosity?
Greg Garrett: Always Creating (A Sermon Delivered to the Academy of Homiletics)
Sunday November 25, 2012
If you’re going to play God, there might be something we can learn from those stories about a God who created order out of chaos, a loving God who wants our stories to end happily even if we choose otherwise, a God who cherishes light and conquers darkness.
Greg Garrett: Radical Orthodoxy? A Review of "Rob Bell and a New American Christianity"
Friday November 23, 2012
Author James Wellman argues that Rob Bell may be the bellwether of a new American Christianity. What does that mean for American Christianity?
Greg Garrett: Meaning and Imagination: A Review of "The Christian World of the Hobbit"
Saturday November 17, 2012
A great work of great imagination like The Hobbit can entertain us, but it can also remind us that we are on an adventure, and that everything we do matters.
Greg Garrett: Faithful Citizenship: Lessons from the Long Election
Tuesday November 13, 2012
In the course of writing my column and, finally, the book "Faithful Citizenship," I came to agree with former Republican senator John Danforth that Christians should come to the political process not with "Christian issues" but with the spirit of reconciliation.
Greg Garrett: Live Together or Die Alone: Damon Lindelof, "Lost," and the State of the Union
Monday October 29, 2012
What the hit TV series Lost shows us about how much we need each other to survive.
Greg Garrett: Rowan Williams, Faithful Citizen
Sunday October 14, 2012
In his new collection of speeches, the Archbishop of Canterbury offers a stirring model of intellectual engagement and Christian compassion.
Greg Garrett: What Is Essential?
Saturday October 06, 2012
In sequel to my developing argument of the past two weeks on theological touchstones and angry partisanship, this week I offer a conclusion from my book Faithful Citizenship: We are divided as nation and Church over partisan questions that are not worth coming to blows over””at least not in terms of Christian theology.
Greg Garrett: Unconventional Thinking: Theological Touchstones for the Election Season
Monday September 17, 2012
True holiness comes from placing God first -- and not mistaking faith for patriotism.
Greg Garrett: Why We Should Do Politics Like Episcopalians
Friday September 07, 2012
Could the Episcopal process of "via media," or the middle way, cultivate greater truth and reconciliation in these politically divisive times?
Greg Garrett: Saving America 2.0: Calling for a New Future
Saturday August 25, 2012
A new book, American Dream 2.0, opens up an uncomfortable conversation about change and the way we talk about America, but it also suggests a way forward.
Greg Garrett: Jesus Hates Guns
Thursday August 09, 2012
Does the Christian tradition suggest that guns be widely available in America, as those arguing an absolute right to bear arms suggest?
Greg Garrett: Joe Paterno, Football, and False Gods
Tuesday July 24, 2012
The Hebrew Testament proscriptions against false gods strike us as ridiculous and archaic. We don't worship statues or graven images, do we?
Greg Garrett: Don't Panic: Why the Church of England Shouldn't Fear Gay Marriage
Monday July 02, 2012
Yes, gay marriage is a cultural tidal wave washing over religious conservatives in both the States and Britain. No, it is not an insoluble problem, nor is it one that should require ministers or congregations being to make unwelcome concessions that violate their beliefs.
Greg Garrett: Your Preacher Might Be Gay
Sunday June 24, 2012
I wish I could tell my grandmother that some days her Jesus and my Jesus seem to be, at best, only distantly related.
Greg Garrett: Queen Elizabeth: Semper Fi
Monday June 11, 2012
Why Queen Elizabeth, she of the Jubilee, she of pomp and wealth, is nonetheless a fantastic Christian role model.
Greg Garrett: An Open Letter to Joel Osteen
Tuesday May 15, 2012
Most of us are guilty, very simply, of bad theology””the very same kind of bad theology (bad reading of scripture, bad understanding of the Christian tradition, bad living out of Christian community) exemplified by the teachings of America's Pastor-in-Chief, the Rev. Osteen. Banker Jesus, as I wrote in an essay last summer about Mr. Osteen, is just as pernicious a myth as Spiteful Jesus.
Greg Garrett: A Conversation with Tim Beach-Verhey on H. Richard Neibuhr
Friday April 27, 2012
Greg Garrett talks with author Timothy Beach-Verhey about what a 20th-century theologian could possibly have to say to the Church and society today.
Greg Garrett: Faithful Citizenship: A Book Excerpt
Saturday April 21, 2012
What does it mean to be a faithful citizen in the 21st century? Read Chapter One from Faithful Citizenship, the new e-book by the popular author Greg Garrett.
Greg Garrett: Lock and Load: A Christian Response to Gun Ownership
Thursday April 12, 2012
In an insanely violent culture that has led to a million American murders since 1968, what is a faithful Christian response toward those who would own and use guns?
Greg Garrett: The Hunger Games and Us
Friday March 30, 2012
Last week in an interview, writer Steven Zeitchik asked me a question about the topicality of the decade's top tween/teen cultural phenomena. Do Harry Potter, Twilight, and The Hunger Games really have anything to say to us?
Greg Garrett: Appreciating Rowan Williams' Leadership
Monday March 19, 2012
Here is the dilemma for Rowan Williams, and for whatever Archbishop of Canterbury may follow: He has no authority to compel, only power to influence, and even as erudite and persuasive an Archbishop as Rowan Williams can only convince those who are willing to listen.
Greg Garrett: Ancient Future Disciples: A Q&A with Becky Garrison
Saturday January 21, 2012
"How many of us are really prepared to follow the way of this radical rule breaker?" Author Becky Garrison considers the future of Christianity with Greg Garrett.
Greg Garrett: Reading Christian: "25 Books Every Christian Should Read"
Saturday December 17, 2011
"25 Books" is, to paraphrase Henry David Thoreau, an attempt not to elevate the new, but to explore those things that never grow old.
Greg Garrett: Famine and Feast: An interview with ONE's Adam Phillips
Friday November 18, 2011
Each of us has a role to play in this fight for the world's poorest people. It's not whether we can make a difference in this famine, but how can we make a difference if we work together.
Greg Garrett: Famine and Feast: Bono, ONE, and the Kingdom of God
Saturday November 05, 2011
In this month of Thanksgiving, we'll explore the problem of hunger and look to U2's Bono -- and his understanding of Jesus and the Kingdom -- as a guide for action.
Greg Garrett: America Is Scared of Itself
Friday October 28, 2011
A new book reveals how the monsters of the American imagination are also the monsters of its history.
Greg Garrett: God Commands Compassion, Not Evangelism
Friday October 14, 2011
Christianity is not about praying in a certain way, or believing a certain thing, or making converts, or building a nice cabin at church camp.
Greg Garrett: Drive, Ryan Gosling, and the Violent Jesus
Friday September 30, 2011
The new movie "Drive" illuminates America in the here and now in ways that are alternately horrifying and hopeful.
Greg Garrett: Becoming American? A Review
Sunday September 25, 2011
A new book shows that American Muslims embrace America and want to be embraced in return as American citizens.
Greg Garrett: Who Is My Enemy?
Monday September 19, 2011
"We are right to be incensed at terrorist acts -- but wrong to ignore our own violation of Just War mandates even in the preservation of our nation." A review of a new book by Lee Camp.
Greg Garrett: Post 9/11 Literature: Darkness and Light
Saturday September 03, 2011
How popular culture -- especially literature -- has helped us have the post-9/11 conversations our national leaders have been trying hard to avoid.
Greg Garrett: Fighting Islamophobia with Information
Friday August 26, 2011
Muslim Americans love America, and are here not to spread their faith, but for the reasons people have always come to America: to live with dignity, to worship freely, to pursue their dreams.
Greg Garrett: Reading the Bible after 9/11
Sunday August 21, 2011
I want to propose (or remind you of) some ways you might read the Bible that break it and us open to see it in a new light, and to read for what is on the page instead of just seeing our favorite bears everywhere.
Greg Garrett: Information, Misinformation, and Missed Information: A Decade after 9/11
Monday August 08, 2011
As we approach the tenth anniversary of 9/11, so many issues are still in play””our relationship with Islam, our understandings of geopolitics, even our readings of our own Constitution!””that clearly it's worth having a talk about how to find out what's true and what's false, and to judge our news sources so that we can use them responsibly to be thoughtful and informed citizens.
Greg Garrett: Norway, Terror and Forgiveness
Saturday July 30, 2011
Greg Garrett writes for If I could give one piece of advice to those grieving in Norway, it would be to take on the monumental task of forgiveness.
Greg Garrett: The End of Harry Potter
Sunday July 17, 2011
So many people are writing about the Harry Potter finale, mourning it personally, and I, for one, am wondering why a mere entertainment has become such a giant part of people’s lives.
Greg Garrett: Media, Morality and Rupert Murdoch
Friday July 15, 2011
On of the most powerful men in the world, international media baron and naturalized American citizen Rupert Murdoch, has come to England this week to try and defuse a huge political and media scandal that has blown up into the biggest news in Britain just now””bigger even than Harry Potter!
Greg Garrett: An Open Letter to Joel Osteen
Tuesday May 24, 2011
Dear Joel Osteen: For some years now I’ve stood back and looked the other way as you preached your message of optimism and faith rewarded to tens of thousands of worshipers and to the millions of people who have bought your best-selling books, as you’ve become perhaps America’s best-known preacher or inspirational speaker...
Greg Garrett: Leaning into Easter
Tuesday May 17, 2011
although we celebrate Easter Sunday in all sorts of Christian traditions, I fear we don’t always really celebrate””or believe in””Resurrection.
Greg Garrett: Out of the Darkness
Thursday April 07, 2011
In the darkest times of my own life, I came to believe that Jesus was working some sort of miracle in my life, bringing me to sight and new life, and I had no words for it other than the words of the man born blind: This is what I know: I was blind, and now I see.
Greg Garrett: Y U Cant Twt the Gspl
Tuesday March 22, 2011
I feel a little sorry for John 3:16, featured on billboards, on signs at athletic events, a t-shirt and bumper-sticker verse like Romans 3:23 and John 14:6 forced into service as a Twitter encapsulation of Christian faith, and somehow expected to do the heavy lifting of conversion for the people who encounter it.
Greg Garrett: Naked Spirituality by Brian McLaren--A Review
Saturday March 19, 2011
Sometimes in the course of your life you hear a voice that has the ring of truth to it.... Brian McLaren has always been such a voice to me.
Greg Garrett: What I'm Doing for Lent
Tuesday March 15, 2011
This year, I’m not naming a specific thing I’m giving or taking up for Lent. Instead, I’m standing up and saying “no” to as many things of the world as I can. And “yes” to as many things of the Spirit as I can.
Greg Garrett: The Problem of Contemporary Christianity, Part 2
Tuesday March 08, 2011
In the second excerpt from his new book "The Other Jesus" (WJK), Greg Garrett continues to explore why it's important to reconsider our understanding of Jesus in the church today.
Greg Garrett: The Problem of Contemporary Christianity, Part 1
Tuesday March 01, 2011
In this first excerpt from his new book, "The Other Jesus" (WJK), Greg Garrett explores what's wrong with American Christianity, and how to get back on track.