The Rev. Dr. John Claypool
The Episcopal Church
The Rev. Dr. Francis H. Wade
St. Alban's Episcopal Church, Washington, DC
The Very Rev. Robert Giannini
Christ Church Cathedral, Indianapolis, IN
Episcopal Media Center
The Rt. Rev. Porter Taylor
Episcopal Diocese of Western North Carolina
The Rev. Dr. Mark Anschutz
St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church, Dallas, TX
The Rev. Dr. William L. Dols
The Episcopal Church
The Rev. Dr. James B. Lemler
Christ Church Episcopal, Greenwich, CT
The Rt. Rev. J. Neil Alexander
Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta, GA
Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta, GA
The Most Rev. Frank T. Griswold
The Episcopal Church
The Very Rev. Samuel G. Candler
The Cathedral of St. Philip, Atlanta, GA
The Very Rev. Todd Donatelli
The Cathedral of All Souls, Asheville, NC
The Right Rev. Robert G. Tharp
Episcopal Church, USA
The Rev. Canon Gray Temple, Jr.
Gray Temple Consulting, Inc.
The Rt. Rev. William Burrill
The Episcopal Church
St. John's Episcopal Church, Washington, DC
Washington National Cathedral, Washington D.C.
The Rt. Rev. Robert Johnson
The Episcopal Church
The Most Rev. Michael Curry
Not available
The Rev. Canon Charles Fulton
St. Jude's Episcopal Church, Marietta, GA
The Rev. Dr. Margaret Neill
St. John's Episcopal Church, Wilmington, NC
The Very Rev. Paul F. M. Zahl
All Saints Episcopal Church, Chevy Chase, MD
The Most Rev. Njongonkulu Ndungane
Anglican Church
Christ Episcopal Church, Pittsford, NY
The Very Rev. Harry H. Pritchett
The Episcopal Church
The Rt. Rev. Nathan Baxter
Diocese of Central Pennsylvania
The Rev. Barbara Cawthorne Crafton
The Episcopal Church
Anglican Church of Australia
The Rev. Canon Louis C. Schueddig, D.D.
Episcopal Media Center
The Rev. Dr. William J. Danaher
University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada
The Rt. Rev. Steven Charleston
Episcopal Divinity School, Cambridge, MA
St. Clement's Episcopal Church, St. Paul, MN
The Rev. Dr. Edward S. Gleason
The Episcopal Church
Palmer Memorial Episcopal Church, Houston, TX
The Rev. Mary Moore Roberson
St. John's Episcopal Church
The Rev. Dr. David Galloway
The Episcopal Church
St. Martin in the Fields Episcopal Church, Atlanta, GA
Episcopal Diocese of Southern Virginia
The Rev. William Blake Rider
Christ Church Episcopal
The Rt. Rev. Charles F. Duvall
Diocese of the Central Gulf Coast
Virginia Theological Seminary, Alexandria, VA
Canon Caroline Westerhoff
Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta, retired
The Rev. Barbara Brown Taylor
Not available
All Saints' Episcopal Church, Atlanta, GA
Christ Church Cathedral, St. Louis, MO
The Very Rev. Dr. Ian Markham
Virginia Theological Seminary, Alexandria, VA
The Episcopal Church
The Rt. Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori
The Episcopal Church
The Rev. Debra Metzgar Shew
Emmaus House, Atlanta, GA
The Rev. Benjamin Anthony
Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta, GA
Lilly Endowment
Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta, GA
Church of the Epiphany, Atlanta, GA
Trinity Episcopal Church, Wauwatosa, WI
The Rt. Rev. Keith B. Whitmore
Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta, GA
The Rev. William McCord Thigpen III
St. Bartholomew's Episcopal Church, Atlanta, GA
The Rev. Dr. J. Barney Hawkins IV
Virginia Theological Seminary, Alexandria, VA
The Rev. Anne Sutherland Howard
The Beatitudes Society
The Rev. Charles L. Fischer III
St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Atlanta, GA
The Rt. Rev. Robert C. Wright
Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta, GA
The Rev. Canon C. K. Robertson
The Episcopal Church
Dr. W. Hodding Carter III
Not available
St. Stephen's Episcopal Church - Cohasset, MA
St. Stephen's Episcopal Church - Cohasset, MA
Not available
The Rev. Thomas L. Brackett
Not available
Holy Innocents' Episcopal Church, Atlanta, GA
The Rev. Daniel P. Matthews, Jr.
St. Luke's Episcopal Church, Atlanta, GA
The Rev. Wendy Porter Cade
St. Edward's Episcopal Church, Lawrenceville, GA
The Rev. Michael Sullivan
Holy Innocents' Episcopal Church, Atlanta, GA
Baylor University, Waco, TX
The Rev. Richard J. Aguilar
St. Margaret's and San Francisco de Asis Episcopal Church, Miami Lakes, FL
Trinity Episcopal Church, Seymour, CT
Virginia Theological Seminary, Alexandria, VA
The Rev. Dr. Judith M. McDaniel
Virginia Theological Seminary, Alexandria, VA
Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd, Lexington, KY
The Very Rev. S. Chadwick Vaughn
St. Francis' Episcopal Church, Macon, GA
Not available
The Very Rev. Stephen Carlsen
Christ Church Cathedral (Episcopal), Indianapolis, IN
Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta, GA
The Rev. Canon David W. Lovelace
Episcopal Church of St. John the Baptist, York, PA
The Rev. Dr. John H. Westerhoff III
Not available
Not available
The Rev. Dr. Donald Fishburne
St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Chattanooga, TN
St. Patrick's Episcopal Church, Dunwoody, GA
The Right Rev. Dean Wolfe
Episcopal Diocese of Kansas
Not available
Episcopal Church of the Ascension, New York, NY
The Rev. Stuart Higginbotham
St. Benedict's Episcopal Church, Smyrna, GA
The Right Rev. Stacy Sauls
Not available
The Rev. Jonathan Currier
St. Thomas Episcopal Church, Lancaster, PA
Not available
The Very Rev. Barkley Thompson
Christ Church Cathedral (Episcopal), Houston, TX
The Rev. Dr. Frederick W. Schmidt
Not available
The Rev. Canon Michael Rusk
St. Peter's Church, Parish of Oadby, Leicester, UK
St. Benedict's Episcopal Church, Smyrna, GA
St. Patrick's Episcopal Church, Dunwoody, GA
The Rt. Rev. Nicholas Knisely
Episcopal Diocese of Rhode Island
The Rev. Dr. Becca Stevens
Thistle Farms
The Rev. Dr. Christopher Girata
St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church, Dallas, TX
The Rev. Dr. Cynthia Taylor
Church of the Holy Comforter, Martinez, GA
St. Patrick's Episcopal Church, Dunwoody, GA
The Rev. Canon Stephanie Spellers
Not available
EPF The Science of Forgiveness in the Practice of Preaching
Episcopal Preaching Foundation
St. Martin's Episcopal Church, Houston, TX
The Very Rev. Dr. Malcolm Clemens Young
Grace Cathedral (Episcopal), San Francisco, CA
The Very Rev. Dr. Michael Battle
General Theological Seminary, New York, NY
The Very Rev. Kate Moorehead
St. John's Episcopal Cathedral, Jacksonville, FL
The Very Rev. Allen Pruitt
St. Mark's Episcopal Church, LaGrange, GA
The Rev. Kimberly S. Jackson
All Saints' Episcopal Church, Atlanta, GA
The Rev. Canon Scott Gunn
Forward Movement
The Rev. Canon John Thompson-Quartey
Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta, GA
Church of the Good Shepherd Episcopal, Dallas, TX
The Rev. Dr. Simon Mainwaring
All Saints' Episcopal Church, Atlanta, GA
Not available
Not available
Not available
Not available
Not available
Not available
Not available
Not available
Not available
Not available
St. Luke's Episcopal Church, Atlanta, GA
St. Luke's Episcopal Church, Atlanta, GA
St. Luke's Episcopal Church, Atlanta, GA
St. Luke's Episcopal Church, Atlanta, GA
The Rt. Rev. Brian L. Cole
Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd, Lexington, KY
The Rt. Rev. Brian L. Cole
Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd, Lexington, KY
The Rt. Rev. Brian L. Cole
Episcopal Diocese of East Tennessee
The Rev. Dr. Micah T. J. Jackson
Not available
The Most Rev. Michael Curry
Not available
The Rt. Rev. C. Andrew Doyle
Not available
The Rev. Dr. Carolyn J. Sharp
Not available
The Rev. Dr. Donna S. Mote
Not available
Not available
Not available
Christ Church Episcopal, Greenwich, CT
Not available
The Rev. Jane Mitchell Weston
Not available
The Rev. Dr. Christoph Keller III
Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, Little Rock, AR
Simpsonwood United Methodist Church, Norcross, GA
Not available
The Rev. Canon Lisa Hackney-James
Not available
Not available
Brite Divinity School, Fort Worth, TX
The Rev. Dr. R. Leigh Spruill
St. George's Episcopal Church, Nashville, TN
The Very Rev. Dr. Cynthia Briggs Kittredge
Not available
The Rev. Dr. Ruthanna Hooke
Not available
Not available
The Rev. Monica Mainwaring
St. Martin in the Fields Episcopal Church, Atlanta, GA
The Rev. R. Winston Arthur
Not available
The Saint Francis Foundation, Salina KS
The Rev. Dr. Russell J. Levenson, Jr.
St. Martin's Episcopal Church - Houston, TX
The Rev. Nathan E. Kirkpatrick
Duke Divinity School, Durham, NC
The Rev. Nontombi Naomi Tutu
Not available
The Reverend Canon Ranjit K. Mathews
Not available
The Rev. Dr. Ellen Richardson
Episcopal Church of the Advent, Williamston, NC
The Rev. Peter M. Wallace
Alliance for Christian Media
Not available
Not available
The Right Rev. Eugene Taylor Sutton
The Chautauqua Institution
St. Luke's Episcopal Church, Atlanta, GA
The Rev. Dennis Patterson, Jr.
The Episcopal Church of the Holy Cross, Decatur, GA
Not available