Faith and Global Hunger Series
A 65th Anniversary media initiative of Day1, in collaboration with the United Nations Millennium Campaign and partners.
Special capstone speaker: President Jimmy Carter, Sept. 12, 2010
In this special Day1 series, five prominent leaders link Christian faith to the challenge of global hunger. They report great news: The U.N. Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) initiative, a comprehensive global development effort by 189 world nations, is showing powerful gains, reducing poverty, hunger, and disease while improving access to primary education and fairness for women and girls.
In a special Sept. 12 series capstone broadcast, President Jimmy Carter discusses his Christian faith in relation to our obligations to pursue justice for the world's poorest. All five series speakers encourage listeners to take action to help the world's poor by supporting the MDGs.
President Carter's address airs on the eve of the global Millennium Development Goals Review Summit Sept. 20-22 at the United Nations, where the world community will review MDG progress and make financial pledges to back the MDG program.
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Day1 Weekly Programs by Faith and Global Hunger Series
View All Day1 Weekly Programs...
Barbara Lundblad: Who Will Feed Them? You.
Tuesday August 01, 2017
In the second of a two-part update to the Day1 Faith & Global Hunger series, Barbara Lundblad says the feeding of the 5,000 is a powerful story in a number of ways. The disciples offered a thoughtful, even compassionate idea for making sure all the people had something to eat. But Jesus had another idea.
David Beckmann: How God Can Use Us to End Hunger
Tuesday July 25, 2017
In the first of a two-part update to the Day1 Faith & Global Hunger series, David Beckmann says God uses little things to do big things. And so it is possible to end hunger in our country and around the world. But the church must get to work.
A Joyful Resolve: Transforming the Lives of the World's Poorest
Tuesday September 07, 2010
In this special capstone to the "Faith & Global Hunger" Series, the 39th president of the United States, Jimmy Carter, offers a biblical and optimistic look at current efforts to follow God's call to serve the world's poorest through the Millennium Development Goals.
Can I Get a Witness? Faith & Global Hunger Part 4
Tuesday June 29, 2010
In part 4 of our special series, "Faith & Global Hunger," the Right Rev. Michael Curry, bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina, offers a stirring call to action to serve the poor in Jesus' name.
Exodus from Hunger: Faith & Global Hunger Part 3
Tuesday June 22, 2010
In part 3 of our special series, "Faith & Global Hunger," the Rev. Dr. David Beckmann--president of Bread for the World--offers practical ways people of faith can address poverty in the world today.
Closing the Great Chasm: Faith & Global Hunger Part 2
Tuesday June 15, 2010
In part 2 of our special series, "Faith & Global Hunger," Lutheran pastor and professor of preaching the Rev. Dr. Barbara Lundblad explores the biblical foundation for the call of God to help those in poverty.
Who Is My Neighbor? Faith & Global Hunger Part 1
Tuesday June 08, 2010
Noted statesman, journalist, and educator W. Hodding Carter III launches our special series, "Faith & Global Hunger," with a powerful message on the scope of the problem--and how people of faith are called to address it.
Articles by Faith and Global Hunger Series
Faith, Poverty & the MDGs: The Time Is Now
Monday July 12, 2010
President Jimmy Carter's Sept. 12 capstone message to our "Faith & Global Hunger" Series, captures the urgency and the hope we have to answer God's call to serve the poor and hungry of the world.
President Jimmy Carter to Address Faith and Global Hunger on Day1
Monday June 14, 2010
President Jimmy Carter will provide the capstone address for “Faith and Global Hunger: A Special Day1 Series in Support of the U.N. Millennium Development Goals.” The series also includes addresses by four prominent faith and policy leaders. Together, the speakers emphasize Christ’s insistence on justice for the least amongst us, and describe the power of the MDG program to transform the lives of the world’s poorest citizens.
What's that song? "Enough for Everyone"
Friday June 11, 2010
In three of our "Faith & Global Hunger" programs, after the opening interviews, you'll hear an excerpt from a song entitled "Enough for Everyone." There's a wonderful story--and an opportunity for you and your church--behind that song.
Millennium Development Goals - Bible Verses
Monday June 07, 2010
"For thou hast been a strength to the poor, a strength to the needy in distress, a refuge from the storm, a shadow from the heat, when the blast of the terrible ones is a storm against the wall." (Isaiah 25:4)
Day1 Announces Special "Faith & Global Hunger" Series
Friday April 09, 2010
To commemorate 65 years of weekly ecumenical radio broadcasts, Day 1 announces a special series focusing on the Millennium Development Goals: "Faith & Global Hunger."
The Millennium Development Goals
Thursday April 01, 2010
The MDGs are a set of 8 goals aimed at halving global poverty and hunger, achieving universal primary education, eradicating gender inequality, vastly reducing child and maternal mortality, halting and reversing the spread of HIV/AIDS, ensuring environmental sustainability, and creating global partnerships for development.
Faith and Hunger - About our Sponsors
Wednesday March 31, 2010
Charlie Browning and Margaret Knoerr maintain strong commitments to church, service, and social justice and have sponsored the Day1 Faith and Global Hunger Series. They share a love of time with friends and family, foreign travel, gardening, and bird watching.
Video by Faith and Global Hunger Series
President Jimmy Carter - A Conversation on Faith and Global Hunger
Wednesday September 22, 2010
President Jimmy Carter joins Day1 host Peter Wallace for a discussion of hunger and poverty in todays world, how our public servants work to alleviate that hunger and need, and what you can do to inspire your political leaders to take action. This interview is part of the Day1 series on Faith and Global Hunger.
A Joyful Resolve: Transforming the Lives of the World's Poorest - President Jimmy Carter
Thursday September 09, 2010
President Jimmy Carter gives his address to top off the Faith and Global Hunger series. A dedicated man of faith, the President from Plains, Georgia gives a heartwarming and inspirational message on the importance of feeding the worlds impoverished populations.
The Rt. Rev. Michael B. Curry (Part 1) - Day1 Conversation on Faith and Global Hunger
Tuesday June 29, 2010
The Rt. Rev. Michael B. Curry sits down with Day1 host Peter Wallace in the fourth interview of our Faith and Global Hunger Series. The Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina discusses the realities of hunger, even in the United States in states such as his, and how simply standing up for the hungry can change the world.
The Rt. Rev. Michael B. Curry (Part 2) - Day1 Conversation on Faith and Global Hunger
Tuesday June 29, 2010
The Rt. Rev. Michael B. Curry sits down with Day1 host Peter Wallace in the fourth interview of our Faith and Global Hunger Series. The Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina discusses the realities of hunger, even in the United States in states such as his, and how simply standing up for the hungry can change the world.
The Rev. Dr. David Beckmann (Part 1) - Day1 Conversation on Global Hunger
Tuesday June 22, 2010
In part 1 of an expanded interview with Day1 host Peter Wallace, the Rev. Dr. David Beckmann, president of Bread for the World, discusses the work of making hunger issues a priority for legislators, the intersection of faith and economics, and why in this day and age people still go to bed hungry.
The Rev. Dr. David Beckmann (Part 2) - Day1 Conversation on Global Hunger
Tuesday June 22, 2010
In part 2 of an expanded interview with Day1 host Peter Wallace, the Rev. Dr. David Beckmann, president of Bread for the World, discusses the work of making hunger issues a priority for legislators, the intersection of faith and economics, and why in this day and age people still go to bed hungry.
The Rev. Dr. David Beckmann (Part 3) - Day1 Conversation on Global Hunger
Tuesday June 22, 2010
In part of an expanded interview with Day1 host Peter Wallace, the Rev. Dr. David Beckmann, president of Bread for the World, discusses the work of making hunger issues a priority for legislators, the intersection of faith and economics, and why in this day and age people still go to bed hungry.
The Rev. Dr. Barbara K. Lundblad (Part 2) - Faith and Hunger Conversations with Peter Wallace
Tuesday June 15, 2010
The Rev. Dr. Barbara K. Lundblad sits down with Day1 host Peter Wallace for her second Faith and Global Hunger Series conversation and focuses on the responsibility of Christians to confront issues of social justice, what priority the bible and Jesus gave issues of poverty and hunger, and why there are such divergent views on the importance of these issues. The Faith and Global Hunger Series is a special series of broadcasts by Day1 in support of the Millennium Development Goals.
The Rev. Dr. Barbara K. Lundblad (Part 1) - Day1 Conversations with Peter Wallace
Tuesday June 15, 2010
The Rev. Dr. Barbara K. Lundblad sits down with Day1 host Peter Wallace for the third Faith and Global Hunger Series conversation and focuses on the responsibility of Christians to confront issues of social justice, what priority the bible and Jesus gave issues of poverty and hunger, and why there are such divergent views on the importance of these issues. The Faith and Global Hunger Series is a special series of broadcasts by Day1 in support of the Millennium Development Goals.
Dr. Hodding Carter III (Part 2) - Day1 Conversations with Peter Wallace
Wednesday June 09, 2010
In the second video installment of the Day1 Faith and Global Hunger series W. Hodding Carter sits down with Day1 host Peter Wallace to discuss the pressing issues of hunger and poverty in our world and the progress of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals to alleviate world poverty.
Dr. Hodding Carter III (Part 1) - Day1 Conversations with Peter Wallace
Wednesday June 09, 2010
In the first video installment of the Day1 Faith and Global Hunger series W. Hodding Carter sits down with Day1 host Peter Wallace to discuss the pressing issues of hunger and poverty in our world and the progress of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals to alleviate world poverty.