The Rev. Peter M. Wallace

Denomination: The Episcopal Church (TEC)
Organization: St. Timothy's Episcopal Church, ‘Aiea, HI

The Rev. Peter Marsden Wallace is the host emeritus of the Day1 ecumenical media ministry. He now serves as Vicar of St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church in ‘Aiea, HI

Peter is the author of:
Getting to Know Jesus (Again): Meditations for Lent;

The Passionate Jesus: What We Can Learn from Jesus about Love, Fear, Grief, Joy and Living Authentically;

Connected: You and God in the Psalms;

Living Loved: Knowing Jesus as the Lover of Your Soul;

Out of the Quiet: Responding to God's Whispered Invitations; and

TruthQuest Devotional Journal.

Comstock & Me: My Brief But Unforgettable Career with The West Virginia Hillbily.

He is also the editor of Bread Enough for All: A Day1 Guide to Life, a collection of Protestant Hour and Day1 sermon excerpts on 12 topics of faith and life (Church Publishing); Faith and Science in the 21st Century, a Day1 formation resource for adults and youth (Church Publishing); and Heart and Soul: The Emotions of Jesus (Church Publishing).

He has contributed to Abingdon Preaching Annual 2022, Feasting on the Word, lectionary-based preaching resource published by Westminster-John Knox, as well as numerous books, study Bibles, devotional guides, magazines, teaching curriculums, video series, online blogs, and other resources. He lives in Atlanta.

Raised in the United Methodist church, the son and grandson of Methodist ministers in West Virginia, he earned a bachelor's degree in journalism/advertising from Marshall University and a Master of Theology degree from Dallas Theological Seminary, Dallas, Texas. He has been a confirmed member of The Episcopal Church since 1991, and since 2014 has been serving as an Episcopal priest in the Diocese of Atlanta.

Before coming to Day1 in 2001, Peter was senior copywriter and broadcast producer for Larry Smith & Associates Advertising & Design in Atlanta for eleven years, and earlier served as editorial director for Walk Thru the Bible Ministries.

Day1 Weekly Programs by The Rev. Peter M. Wallace

View All Day1 Weekly Programs...

Peter Wallace: A Whole and Lasting Life

Tuesday February 28, 2023
In his sermon for the 2nd Sunday in Lent, Day1 host Peter Wallace says Jesus is the way to a whole and lasting life, and we'll either run toward him, into the light, or we'll run away into darkness.

Peter Wallace: Limitless Love

Tuesday February 15, 2022
Day1 host Peter Wallace takes the pulpit to explore Jesus' "Sermon on the Plain," in which Jesus calls us to take love to the limit--and there is no limit.

Peter Wallace: Answering the Big Question

Tuesday November 03, 2020
The Rev. Peter Wallace looks at Joshua's invitation to serve God and Jesus's parable of the 10 bridesmaids through the lens of stewardship, and discovers a gracious encouragement to live generously.

Peter Wallace: Sitting Beside the Sea

Tuesday July 07, 2020
In his sermon this week, Day1 host the Rev. Peter Wallace explores a simple verse in Matthew 13 that could be the key to our survival in times like these.

Peter Wallace: Love in the Time of Coronavirus

Tuesday June 09, 2020
In a special Day1 sermon, producer and host Peter Wallace shares how we can maintain our common life of faith in the midst of a pandemic.

Peter Wallace: Let's Dance

Tuesday July 10, 2018
Day1 host and producer Peter Wallace offers a sermon on the two very different dances found in 2 Samuel and Mark 6, and encourages us to follow David's example of a liberated worship of God.

Articles by The Rev. Peter M. Wallace

View All Day1 Articles...

The Meaning of Life: A Parable

Wednesday October 04, 2023
This is based on a dream I had. What do you think it means? In a town far away, a young man approached an older man known to be wise. "Sir, I am told that you know the meaning of life. Will you share it with me?" "Yes, my son," the older man said. "Come with me."

A Note from Day1 Host Peter Wallace

Friday October 28, 2022
Our trustees have generously given me a sabbatical month during November. So here's what's up...

David Crumm Interviews Day1 Host Peter Wallace on the Fine Art of Preaching--Even Amid a Pandemic

Friday February 26, 2021
May this celebration of the art of preaching inspire men and women everywhere to continue their commitments to their own congregations in whatever forms those ministries may take in sharing this timeless Good News.

Peter Wallace: Unlikely Saints - A Meditation for All Saints' Sunday

Tuesday October 27, 2020
On All Saints’ Sunday, I can’t help but think about all the blessed saints who gather around me in my memories. And believe me, there were plenty of characters in my family and in my life. Looking back, I see they were saints indeed. Not officially entered into sainthood, but saints nonetheless—people who were set apart by God to make a difference in the world, as they did in my life.

Peter Wallace: Anger in the Service of Justice - Following Jesus's Example

Wednesday September 30, 2020
My anger these days feels bottomless. Combined tragedies and injustices are, at least, waking up a vast number of people of faith, who are channeling their anger into seeking just responses to these and other crises. We find a perfect example for doing so in the person of Jesus.

COVID-19 Pandemic: What's Up at Day1, and How We Can Help

Friday April 03, 2020
Day1 host and producer Peter Wallace brings you up to date with what's happening at Day1, and offers ways we can help you cope through the pandemic.

Peter Wallace: Day1 celebrates 75 years of ministry: A hometown point of view

Wednesday April 01, 2020
A radio program that has inspired millions of people across America and around the world for 75 years has called Atlanta home from the beginning.

David Crumm Interviews Peter Wallace: Rediscovering the Emotions of Jesus in ‘Heart and Soul’

Tuesday December 03, 2019 editor David Crumm interviews Day1 host Peter Wallace about the new book he edited, "Heart and Soul: The Emotions of Jesus," by Robert Law. Plus Duncan Newcomer offers his insight on the book and its provocative topic.

Peter Wallace: How to Spend 30 Days with Abraham Lincoln - Foreword to the New Book

Wednesday November 27, 2019
Recently we presented an interview of Duncan Newcomer--author of the new book "30 Days with Abraham Lincoln"--by David Crumm. Day1 host and producer Peter Wallace wrote the foreword to the book, and here it is.

Peter Wallace: A Full and Passionate Life: Robert Law and "The Emotions of Jesus"

Tuesday November 12, 2019
Day1 host and producer Peter Wallace reveals why he revised and updated a century-old book on the emotions of Jesus by a Scottish Presbyterian preacher.

Peter Wallace: Spending Lent in the Psalms

Thursday February 01, 2018
The host of Day1 and author of the new Lenten devotional, "Getting to Know Jesus (Again): Meditations for Lent," offers brief daily meditations on psalms for this holy season.

The Rev. Peter Wallace: Ash Wednesday--Preparing for Lent

Saturday January 27, 2018
As followers of Jesus prepare for the season of Lent, Day1 host Peter Wallace reflect on the meaning of Ash Wednesday. An excerpt from his new book, "Getting to Know Jesus (Again)."

What's Up with the Day1 Website?

Monday January 01, 2018
Executive Producer and Host Peter Wallace offers some behind the scenes information about the ministry of Day1.

Humble Things: A Meditation for the Last Days of Advent

Wednesday December 21, 2016
An Advent meditation on Micah 5:2-5a and Luke 1:39-55.

The Meaning of Life: A Parable

Tuesday January 19, 2016
On the night after I returned from a vacation to Southeast Asia, the day after the memorial service for my mentor and colleague and Day1 leader Dr. Bill Self, I had a dream....

Humble Things: A devotional for Advent 4 (Micah 5:2-5a, Luke 1:39-55)

Sunday December 20, 2015
We may see our gifts as pitiful, our lives as little, our calling as lowly. But in God’s eyes, nothing could be further from the truth.

Engaging the Spiritually Disconnected: Inviting the Culture to Move to the Deeper End of Life's Pool

Saturday September 26, 2015
A whole and significant life involves all aspects of our being, but I fear many of us are missing the depth of our internal spiritual being. Out of a blazing inner life I believe can come rich meaning and purpose for life, a heart for serving others, and passionate engagement with others. What else is our existence for?

Let Jesus Show! A Christmas sermon on Luke 2:1-20

Tuesday December 23, 2014
As we celebrate the birth of Jesus, we join the lowly shepherds who, in the midst of their impoverished, treacherous life, were welcomed by angels to experience the glory of the nativity--and then to let Jesus show in their lives.

Listening to Jesus: The Waste of Worry

Tuesday July 08, 2014
What if you could actually take a hike with Jesus and have a conversation about life and faith?

This Is the Night: A Sermon for Holy Saturday/Easter Vigil

Saturday April 19, 2014
The Easter Vigil service begins in darkness. It is the darkness of the closed up tomb where Jesus' body lay on Holy Saturday. The stone has been rolled in front of it. No light enters. It is utterly dark. Jesus' torn and beaten body is already beginning to stink--the women are planning to bring spices to help preserve his body in the morning. But now, it is Saturday, in the dark, airless, deathly still tomb. It is not a pleasant place to be.

Following the Instructions: A sermon on the parable of the dishonest manager (Luke 16:1-13)

Thursday September 26, 2013
Use your money wisely, Jesus says””use it up, give it away to make friends in the faith, who will welcome you into the eternal homes.

My Dear God, Make It Clean: David, Flannery O'Connor, and Psalm 51

Monday September 16, 2013
The September 16 issue of The New Yorker included some intriguing excerpts from a journal written by the young Flannery O'Connor under the title, 'My Dear God.' I wonder if she had Psalm 51 in mind when she wrote one entry.

Jesus: A Model for Living Authentically

Friday August 23, 2013
Recently I heard an interview on NPR with Reza Aslan, author of the new book Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth. Asked about the different ways to think about Jesus, Aslan said, 'There are billions of Christians in the world who believe that Jesus of Nazareth is the living incarnation of God. And that's a perfectly fine belief, but whatever else he was -- whether he was the Messiah, or God, or what have you -- he was also a man, he was a human being.'

The Institution May Be Dying, But the Need Is Not

Thursday June 06, 2013
No matter what denomination or faith tradition, organized religion is declining. And yet people still yearn for a connection to their spiritual core, a relationship with the reality beyond themselves.

Praying for Boston

Monday April 15, 2013
As the news reports continue, we pray for the dead and injured and their families and friends in Boston--and try to make some sense of it all.

"I Thirst" - A Good Friday Reflection

Friday March 29, 2013
After this, when Jesus knew that all was now finished, he said (in order to fulfill the scripture), "I am thirsty." A jar full of sour wine was standing there. So they put a sponge full of the wine on a branch of hyssop and held it to his mouth. -- John 19:28-29

Rethinking Jesus in Lent: What He Can Teach Us About Emotional Authenticity

Thursday March 07, 2013
During Lent, many Christians take time to contemplate their lives honestly and prayerfully, and focus afresh on Jesus -- who he was, what he did and taught, how he lived and how he calls us to live. An intense examination of the Gospel accounts of Jesus' life and ministry can open us to some challenging realities that we must deal with. And what better time to do so than in Lent?

David Crumm Interviews Day1's Peter Wallace on His Book, The Passionate Jesus

Thursday February 28, 2013
For years, ReadTheSpirit has recommended both Peter’s work and the Day1 network. Currently, our websites share a popular columnist, the Rev. Dr. Benjamin Pratt. This mutual encouragement includes our recommendation of Peter’s newest book, The Passionate Jesus: What We Can Learn from Jesus about Love, Fear, Grief, Joy and Living Authentically.

Anger in the Service of Justice: Following Jesus' Example

Thursday December 27, 2012
The dreadful Newtown school shooting is waking up a vast number of people of faith, who are channeling their anger into seeking just responses in its aftermath. And we find an example for doing so in the person of Jesus, whose birth we celebrate in this season -- a holy occasion dampened by our tears of grief and outrage.

Living with Passionate Authenticity--Like Jesus Did

Monday December 10, 2012
God seeks a spirit of truth within us, a spirit that can only be realized when our emotional life is integrated with our spiritual life, when we are the same person on the outside as we are on the inside. Jesus said in John 4, "God is spirit, and those who worship God must worship in spirit and truth."

Experiencing the Passionate, Honest Love of Jesus

Monday November 26, 2012
Jesus expressed a wide range of emotions with his followers, but love was the foundation of them all. It was all part of the complete package of authentic emotions felt and expressed by the passionate Jesus.

Meeting the Surprisingly Real Jesus in the Pages of the Gospels

Thursday November 15, 2012
Unconsciously, I once adopted this approach to emotions as "Christlike." I kept the edge off how I was feeling so as to avoid conflict or inappropriate behavior or even deep, honest love. But this kind of living is as far as one can get from being truly like Jesus.

Ultimate Intimacy: A meditation on John 6:53-57

Tuesday August 14, 2012
The Eucharist provides us with an unforgettable image of what Jesus deeply desires: to be totally a part of us, intimately integrated with us at the cellular level.

Jesus' Unexpected Presence: A Meditation on John 6:16-21

Friday July 27, 2012
Jesus tends to pop up unexpectedly in places where we desperately need him, as he did to the disciples, fearing for their lives in a storm and then fearing for their sanity when they saw him walking toward them on the roiling surface of the angry lake.

Quieting the Storm: A Reflection on Mark 4:35-41

Tuesday June 19, 2012
The miracle of Jesus' authority over nature recorded in this Sunday's gospel must have left his disciples stunned and slack-jawed. His reprimand surely made them feel small; it’s clear that he was telling them they could exercise this same power if they only had faith.

An Unexpected Encounter: Putting My Anti-Racism Training to Work

Monday May 07, 2012
After you spend time and energy trying to learn something, sometimes God gives you an opportunity to put it into practice, ready or not. And that's a good thing because it compels us to live what we've learned. For me, it happened the moment I walked out the door after an anti-racism training workshop.

Chris Yaw Interviews Day1's Peter Wallace: The Message of the Mainline

Monday April 09, 2012
Chris Yaw, producer of, interview the host and producer of Day1, Peter Wallace, on the state of preaching, the message of the mainline church, and how we need to be open to the new things that are happening today.

The Four Spiritual Invitations: Saying Something About God

Thursday March 15, 2012
I got stumped the other day by what would seem to be a rather easy question: “Would you say something to us about God?”

Embracing the Cross: A Lenten Meditation on Mark 8:34

Tuesday February 28, 2012
In the gospel text for this Sunday, Jesus encourages us to take up our cross. What might happen if we do?

Spending Lent in the Psalms - Daily Meditations

Tuesday February 21, 2012
Day1 host and author Peter Wallace invites you to join him in meditating on the Psalms every day from Ash Wednesday through Holy Week.

Young Preachers Offer Hope for the Church's Future

Thursday January 19, 2012
Spending four days with over 120 young preachers from a diverse spectrum of locations and denominations has only increased my hope for the future of the church. Here's my report from the 2012 National Conference of Young Preachers, put on by the Academy of Preachers.

NEWS: Peter Wallace Elected President of Alliance for Christian Media

Tuesday January 10, 2012
The producer and host of Day1, Peter Wallace, was elected president of the Alliance for Christian Media effective January 1.

This Week's Psalm: Rising Above Stress (Ps. 107)

Monday October 24, 2011
Psalm 107 reminds us that when we are burdened by stress and anxiety in life, God's steadfast love offers a way to rise above it.

This Week's Psalm: Counting Our Days (Psalm 90)

Thursday October 20, 2011
Psalm 90 (this week's lectionary psalm) encourages us to live every day to the full, trusting in God's loving, steadfast presence.

Cries in the Street: Listening to the Homeless

Thursday August 11, 2011
On a recent day with ministry colleagues on the streets of Atlanta, I heard echoes of Psalm 55 in the cries of the homeless people we listened to.

What Are You Hoarding, and Why?

Monday July 11, 2011
Digging deeper into Jesus' teaching in Matthew 6:19-21 about stockpiling treasure in heaven makes me wonder what I really treasure in life.

Dealing with Doubt: Are God's Promises of Happiness True?

Friday June 24, 2011
What are we to make of the glowing promises God makes in the Bible--for instance, Psalm 128--for those who trust in God? What if they don't come true?

Helping the Homeless: It Starts with Getting to Know Them

Monday June 06, 2011
A few weeks ago I had an experience that helped to open my eyes, and my heart, regarding homeless persons, and how the church might more effectively serve them.

Nicodemus in the Shadows: A Good Friday Meditation

Friday April 22, 2011
What must it have been like for Nicodemus, the Pharisee who approached Jesus by night, who struggled to understand this radical rabbi, to experience Jesus' crucifixion?

Golden Rule Day: Some Unlikely Saints Weigh In

Tuesday April 05, 2011
In observance of International Golden Rule Day today, here is a post on two unlikely saints who weighed in on this life-guiding principle: Stan Lee and Soupy Sales.

Thirsty for God: A Meditation on Water

Tuesday February 22, 2011
While you ponder, pray about, and respond to the critical issue of physical thirst, take a moment also to consider your spiritual thirst.

This Week's Psalm: Included (Psalm 15)

Monday January 24, 2011
The psalmist struggled with this question: Who is worthy to be part of God's family? Psalm 15 provides some clues as to the kind of people God likes to be with.

I Have Seen the Future of Preaching, and It's a Beautiful Thing

Tuesday January 18, 2011
After an intense three days with nearly 130 young preachers from all faith traditions at the National Festival of Young Preachers, I have more hope for the future than ever.

Christmas Eve in the TV Truck

Wednesday December 22, 2010
For the past several years I've spent Christmas Eve in a TV truck. And it's usually been a very holy experience.

Shining the Light on the Wise Men: A Review of Revelation of the Magi

Monday December 06, 2010
This year a number of Christmas stockings will no doubt be stuffed with a copy of a beautiful little book, Revelation of the Magi. It’s the first English translation of an ancient manuscript that has languished in the Vatican library for centuries.

Embracing Your Calling: Should You Take the Risk?

Monday November 22, 2010
There comes a time when each of us who accepts God's invitation to authentic life must leave home, comfort, familiarity and security to step out into an unknown land.

The Christian Call to Civility: Love One Another

Tuesday November 02, 2010
Recent events seem to uncover the dark side of human nature. But they also remind us to follow Jesus' challenging call to set an example and "love one another."

Many Religions, One God? A Review of Stephen Prothero’s “God Is Not One”

Friday October 08, 2010
A recent Gallup poll indicates that about 95% of Americans believe in God, but that our definitions of who or what God is differ markedly. This may be a good indication that Stephen Prothero is on to something. But I'm not sure he makes his case.

How to Get Along with Believers You Disagree With

Tuesday September 07, 2010
Churches -- and their denominations -- can be hotbeds of controversy. In these times of troubling differences on fundamental issues involving faith, theology, and life, there's no telling how people who disagree will treat each other.

A Basket of Summer Fruit: God and the Poor

Monday August 23, 2010
Nearly 3,000 years ago, God gave the Hebrew prophet Amos a vision that must have looked a lot like the fruit bowl on my kitchen table. "Amos, what do you see?" God asked. And Amos answered, "A basket of summer fruit." Sounds nice.

Why the Name "Day1"?

Thursday August 05, 2010
I’ve been asked about the name of our radio program more than once””the latest came in a conversation last week. Sure, the name is simple and it sounds nice, but many people don’t get it. Well, here’s the scoop.

The Mainline Church: A Confusing but Hopeful Future

Tuesday July 27, 2010
Recently invited me to share my thoughts about the future of mainline Protestantism. Since we work with all the major mainline denominations, you'd think that would be an easy task...

Faith, Poverty & the MDGs: The Time Is Now

Monday July 12, 2010
President Jimmy Carter's Sept. 12 capstone message to our "Faith & Global Hunger" Series, captures the urgency and the hope we have to answer God's call to serve the poor and hungry of the world.

Psalm 77: Calming a Troubled Life

Wednesday June 23, 2010
Sleeplessness has created a number of successful industries. As this week's Psalm reminds us, the problem is, when you are troubled by life, nothing works very well. Except being honest with God.

Quenching Our Spiritual Thirst (Psalm 42-43)

Friday June 18, 2010
When it comes to seeking God’s presence, believers feel an instinctual yearning. It’s a holy lust. A spiritually magnetic pull. A longing so deep in our souls that it feels as powerful as the tides of the earth.

Forgiven (Psalm 32)

Tuesday June 08, 2010
The righteous and the upright aren't perfect people, they're forgiven people. They are honest, authentic people who make their mistakes, problems, fears, and failures known to God and make things right with people they've wounded in the process, as best they can.

Easter Is Day One

Sunday April 04, 2010
Easter is day one. Sunday. Resurrection day. The first day of a new way of life. And it's filled with the unexpected. Now what?

Good Friday: The Wine of Love

Friday April 02, 2010
As Jesus hangs on the cross, he is offered sour wine--the wine of death. Yet in his death he offers us the wine of live and of love.

The Epiphany Call

Tuesday February 02, 2010
Some thoughts about God's call and our response for the 5th Sunday after Epiphany--originally posted at The Beatitudes Society's Be@ts 2.0.

Peter Wallace: The Refreshing Waters of Eternity

Saturday September 26, 2009
In a reflection on Psalm 87, Peter Wallace helps us tap into the spiritually refreshing springs of heaven.

The Message of Michael Jackson

Friday June 26, 2009
What was it about the King of Pop, Michael Jackson, that has caused such an outpouring of emotion around the world?

That They May All Be One

Monday June 15, 2009
What did Jesus mean when he prayed that we may all be one?

What are you afraid of?

Monday June 01, 2009
Peter Wallace offers a 5-part video series on the Psalms, focusing on the theme of fear.

Going Through the Motions

Monday May 04, 2009
Sometimes when life interrupts our carefully crafted to-do lists, the last thing we feel like doing is worshiping God. But perhaps simply going through the motions can help.

A Welcoming Place

Wednesday April 22, 2009
Sometimes the world surprises us with its places of welcome. How can our churches be more welcoming places for all who seek to know and love God? Let me share an experience I had about that with you.

What's New at Day1

Tuesday April 14, 2009
A quick update about what's happening at Day1 this week.

What's New at Day1

Tuesday April 07, 2009
Latest news about the Day1 ministry: What's new at, and the growth of our radio affiliate network.

Welcome to the Day1 Blog!

Monday March 30, 2009
We're launching the Day1 blog to keep you up to date with what's happening with the Day1 radio program and

Video by The Rev. Peter M. Wallace

View All Day1 Video...

Peter Wallace Presents the Day1 Ministry and a Brief History of The Protestant Hour

Friday June 02, 2023
Second-Ponce de Leon Baptist Church in Atlanta, home base of the Day1 ministry, invited producer and host Peter Wallace to share about the ministry. He also provides a brief history of great preaching on the Protestant Hour and Day1 with audio clips.

Day1 Book Launch Party Video

Saturday December 12, 2020
Day1 presents a video Book Launch Party for the new book, "Bread Enough for All: A Day1 Guide to Life," published by Church Publishing, Inc. Join Day1 host Peter Wallace and seven outstanding preachers/church leaders who share their sermon excerpts from the book and engage in conversation and Q&A: Joanna M. Adams, Anna Carter Florence, William Flippin Jr., Juan Carlos Huertas, Micah Jackson, Charley Reeb, and Ozzie Smith Jr.

Preaching during Crisis: Igniting Pastoral Imagination in the Face of Fatigue, Injustice and Collective Trauma

Wednesday June 24, 2020
Watch this critical conversation with preaching colleagues from across the U.S. whose wide-ranging experiences in responding to these unprecedented and compounding crises are inspiring healing, transformation and hope. A webinar presented June 17 by Day1 and Odyssey Impact.

The Passionate Jesus - Peter Wallace

Monday August 18, 2014
The Rev. Peter Wallace, author of "The Passionate Jesus" and host of the "Day1" radio program, offers ways that we can get to know the real Jesus, who experienced and expressed the same emotions that we do.

Peter Wallace on John 6:56-69: ON Scripture Video

Thursday August 23, 2012
This week's ON Scripture video on John 6:56-69 features Day1 host Peter Wallace. Watch it here.

A Life of Joy

Monday August 06, 2012
You show me the path of life. In your presence there is fullness of joy; in your right hand are pleasures forevermore. ””Psalm 16:11

No Good Without God

Monday July 30, 2012
Protect me, O God, for in you I take refuge. I say to the Lord, "You are my Lord; I have no good apart from you." ””Psalm 16:1-2

The Golden Rule

Monday July 23, 2012
Jesus said, "In everything do to others as you would have them do to you; for this is the law and the prophets." ””Matthew 7:12

Priorities In Life

Monday July 16, 2012
Jesus said, "Strive first for the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." ””Matthew 6:33

Do Not Worry

Monday July 09, 2012
Jesus said, "Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? ... And can any of you by worrying add a single hour to your span of life?" -- Matthew 6:25,27

Heavenly Perspective

Monday July 02, 2012
O Lord, our Sovereign, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory above the heavens. ””Psalm 8:1

Waiting for God

Monday June 25, 2012
Be gracious to me, O Lord, for I am languishing; O Lord, heal me, for my bones are shaking with terror. My soul also is struck with terror, while you, O Lord””how long? Turn, O Lord, save my life; deliver me for the sake of your steadfast love. ””Psalm 6:2-4

Peaceful Sleep

Monday June 04, 2012
I fall asleep in peace the moment I lie down because you alone, O LORD, enable me to live securely. ””Psalm 4:8

Dealing with Anger

Monday May 28, 2012
When you are disturbed, do not sin; ponder it on your beds, and be silent. ””Psalm 4:4

Security in God

Monday May 21, 2012
The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my deliverer, my God, my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold and my refuge, my savior; you save me from violence. ””2 Samuel 22:2,3

Soul Friends

Monday May 14, 2012
The soul of Jonathan was bound to the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his own soul. ””1 Samuel 18:1

Commitment of Love

Monday May 07, 2012
Ruth said [to Naomi], "Do not press me to leave you or to turn back from following you! Where you go, I will go; Where you lodge, I will lodge; your people shall be my people, and your God my God. ””Ruth 1:16

Dwelling With God

Monday April 30, 2012
You [God] certainly love your people. All your holy ones are in your hands. They bow at your feet to receive your instructions. ””Deuteronomy 33:3

Strong and Bold

Monday April 23, 2012
Moses told Joshua, "Be strong and bold; have no fear or dread of them, because it is the Lord your God who goes with you; he will not fail you or forsake you." ””Deuteronomy 31:6

Open Your Hand

Monday April 16, 2012
God says, "Since there will never cease to be some in need on the earth, I therefore command you, 'Open your hand to the poor and needy neighbor in your land.'" ””Deuteronomy 15:11

A Blessing For You

Monday April 09, 2012
"The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace." ””Numbers 6:24-26

The Value of Rest

Monday March 26, 2012
"In six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but rested the seventh day; therefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day and consecrated it. ””Exodus 20:11

God Knows Us

Monday March 19, 2012
Then the Lord said, "I have observed the misery of my people who are in Egypt; I have heard their cry on account of their taskmasters. Indeed, I know their sufferings, and I have come down to deliver them from the Egyptians, and to bring them up out of that land to a good and broad land, a land flowing with milk and honey..." ””Exodus 3:7-8

Holy Ground

Monday March 12, 2012
Then God said, "Come no closer! Remove the sandals from your feet, for the place on which you are standing is holy ground." ””Exodus 3:5

A New Name

Monday March 05, 2012
When Abram was ninety-nine years old, the Lord appeared to Abram, and said to him... "No longer shall your name be Abram, but your name shall be Abraham; for I have made you the ancestor of a multitude of nations. ””Genesis 17:1-5

Trusting The Promise

Monday February 27, 2012
What is God saying to us today? Day1 host Peter Wallace offers a video meditation on Genesis 5:1-5.

Let There Be Light

Monday February 20, 2012
In the beginning when God created the heavens and the earth, the earth was a formless void and darkness covered the face of the deep, while a wind from God swept over the face of the waters. Then God said, "Let there be light"; and there was light. And God saw that the light was good... ””Genesis 1:1-4

Praying The Lord's Prayer

Monday February 13, 2012
What's God saying to us today? Peter Wallace offers insights on the prayer Jesus offered his disciples in Matthew 6:9-13

An Invitation to Delight

Monday February 06, 2012
Happy are those who do not follow the advice of the wicked, or take the path that sinners tread, or sit in the seat of scoffers; but their delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law they meditate day and night. ””Psalm 1:1,2

Sign of Hope

Monday January 30, 2012
God said, "This is the sign of the covenant that I make between me and you and every living creature that is with you, for all future generations: I have set my bow in the clouds, and it shall be a sign of the covenant between me and the earth." ””Genesis 9:12-13

Living a Fruitful Life

Monday January 23, 2012
Those who delight in the law of the lord are like trees planted near streams of water, which yeild their fruit in its season, and their leaves do not wither; in all that they do, they prosper. Psalm 1:3

Wisdom in the Midst of Fear - Peter Wallace on the Psalms

Friday June 05, 2009
Day1 host and author Peter Wallace continues his discussion of the psalms and coping with fear this time pondering the challenge of wisdom in the midst of great fear.

Love and Fear - Peter Wallace on the Psalms

Thursday June 04, 2009
Day1 host and author Peter Wallace continues his reflections on the Psalms and coping with fear. This time he draws from Psalm 56 to examine the great risks of love and the fear of rejection or loneliness.

Cost of Fear - Peter Wallace on the Psalms

Wednesday June 03, 2009
Day1 host and author Peter Wallace continues his discussion on coping with fear with this installment on the "Cost of Fear" in your life. What is holding you back?

Finding a Safe Place - Peter Wallace on the Psalms

Tuesday June 02, 2009
Day1 Host Peter Wallace continues his discussion of fear in this video discussion about finding a safe place.

What Are You Afraid Of? - Peter Wallace on the Psalms

Monday June 01, 2009
Peter Wallace, host of Day1 and author of the new book Connected: You and God in the Psalms, discusses how the Psalms can help us deal with the ever-present emotion of fear.

Radio by The Rev. Peter M. Wallace

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The Alban Conversation: Preaching Easter Online - Audio Version

Thursday April 09, 2020
Here's the audio version of The Alban Conversation with Nathan Kirkpatrick, Day1's Peter Wallace, and Duke's Christine Parton Burkett on preaching Easter online--and anytime.

Special Day1 Podcast with Peter Wallace - Love in the Time of Coronavirus

Thursday April 02, 2020
Get a sneak preview of a special Day1 program that will air on the radio on June 14, with the Rev. Peter Wallace offering a sermon entitled, "Love in the Time of Coronavirus." And gain ideas for how to share God's love in difficult times.